Nextpertise API v1.22 Documentation
Last modified: Feb 04 2025
Getting Started
Nextpertise's API aims to expose the entire Nextpertise infrastructure via a standardized programmatic interface. Using Nextpertise's API, you can do EVERYTHING you can do on webportal.

The Nextpertise API is a JSON-RPC API based on HTTPS requests. If you are a Nextpertise partner, you can obtain your InControl user credential which is also valid as API credential.

Who is Nextpertise?

Nextpertise is a Dutch Internet Service Provider (ISP) which focused on Broadband connections and Managed Infrastructure. Nextpertise is known for Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) and Managed Infrastructure services as Private Cloud, Kubernetes Hosting, DNS and Radius services.

Nextpertise offers public APIs with three audiences in mind.
  • Nextpertise partners
  • Nextpertise customers
  • Developers


The API is accessed by making HTTPS requests to a specific version endpoint URL. All request are HTTP POST methods with a JSON-RPC payload. Every endpoint is accessed only via the SSL-enabled HTTPS (port 443) protocol. The last parameter in the endpoint is the version number. Currently we are on Version 1 for all endpoints.

The stable prefix URL for all endpoints is:<product_class>/v1


Requests must be sent over HTTPS with any payload formatted in JSON-RPC. Request must contain a

Using JSON

The API uses JSON-RPC 2.0 over HTTP for all interaction. To access the API you need to POST a JSON document to the product class URL.

There are many implementations of JSON-RPC clients in several popular languages available. In this document we will use the Linux command line tool curl in all examples. This is done because it illustrates 'what goes over the line' and to remain independent of a particular implementation language.

A JSON-RPC request is a JSON document containing 4 fields:
{  "jsonrpc": "2.0",  "id": <correlation id>,  "method": "<name of method to call>",  "params": {   "method_parameter_1": ...,   "method_parameter_N": ...  } }
The method parameters (actually the entire contents of the params field) are structurally validated using JSON Schema.

Using JSON Schema

The JSON Schema files are accessible under

There is a direct correspondance between the API endpoint URL for the zipcode method and the URL for the accompanying schemas and


In order to use the API one needs to authenticate first.

API endpoints are accessible via the same credentials as the InControl webportal. All user accounts are available on both Basic Auth authentication (rfc7617) as on JWT authentication (rfc6749/rfc7519). All accounts are protected by either IP whitelisting or a TOTP Token (rfc6238) as second factor (or both). Both IP whitelisting as 2FA TOTP are managed from the Profile page in InControl or the User API methods

Basic Authentication Example

With curl you would use it as:
curl -u '<username>:<password>' -d '{}'

JWT Authentication Example

The token is used to request access to the API services:
curl -s -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your token>' ...
When applying for additional API access accounts you will receive a username password combination that can be used for JWT Authentication.

A JWT token is obtained by logging in:
curl -u username:password {"token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":86400,"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9..78"}
This will produce a token which is valid for 24 hours.

A JWT token is stateless and therefore it cannot be invalidated within the expiration time of the token itself.
Errors are per JSON-RPC 2.0 specification returned through the error object.

There is an exception though. The basic zipcode() and extended zipcode() functions return the combined results of multiple backend calls. A single backend error would therefore suppress the valid results from the other providers. To alleviate this these two functions may return errors inline with the other results in their error keys.
List of errors
Code Description
001 Undocumented Error, please report to Nextpertise and refer to cid: %s. This error message indicates that something happened that we didn't anticipate. By reporting this incident to Nextpertise, mentioning the cid (correlation id) we may be able to resolve this and provide a better error message in the future.
002 Invalid zipcode/housenr combination: (%s,%d,%s). The given zipocde, house number, house number extension is not recognized as a valid combination. Use the The Postcodes API functions to select a valid combination.
003 The given address is valid but the provider does not service this address. This is most likely due to infrastructural constraints that will not change in the foreseeable future.
004 Service temporarily not available at this address (%s,%d,%s). The given address is valid but the provider cannot service this address or offer any information about it. This is must likely due to a temporary disruption in the backoffice system of the provider.
005 User is not authorised to order (%s). The user is not authorised to order product %s. By contacting Nextpertise we can discuss your options for future orders.
006 Failed to create requested (%s). Something went wrong during the creation of %s. This error can occur due to multiple reasons, for instance:

  • The (%s) already exists.
  • Prerequisites don't exist.
  • To create an mailbox, a client must exist already. (create_mailbox()).
  • To create a forwarder, the email can't exist yet as mailbox. (create_forwarder()).
007 Failed to delete requested (%s). Something went wrong during the deletion of (%s). As of now, there is one main reason why this error occurs, i.e.:

  • The (%s) does not exist.
008 Failed to update requested (%s). Something went wrong while updating (%s). As of now, there is one main reason why this error occurs, i.e.:

  • The (%s) does not exist.
010 Connection too complex for this version of the software. Please contact Nextpertise.
This error may occur when requesting a zipcode check on KPN WBA on an address that KPN has labeled a 'Complex Address'.
Eventually we expect to be able to handle this situation in the API but for now the only recourse is to contact Nextpertise.
011 JSON-RPC request or reply does not comply with its schema.
This error may occur when posting an invalid request to the API, but also when the API returns an invalid response. Nextpertise's internal APIs are also validated against schemas so the error may have been generated in an internal API call trying to satisfy the initial request.
You can verify that the request you issue validates against the published schema for the API call. If you are certain your request is valid please contact Nextpertise so that we can resolve the problem.
012 Config Prohibited Error.
This error occurs when a user tries to perform an action it is not authorized to. Contact your employer if you feel this is not right..
HTTP Error codes
Code Description
401 Unauthorized.
404 Not Found.
You tried to access a resource for which you are not authorized:
curl -v -u 'user:pass' -d '{}'| jq .
> POST /postcodes/v1 HTTP/1.1 > Host: > Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz > Content-Length: 2 > Content-Type: application/json > < HTTP/1.1 401 Forbidden < Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 07:33:47 GMT < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 < Content-Length: 45 < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * < { "message" : "You cannot consume this service" }
You tried to access a resource that doesn't exist:
curl -v -u 'user:pass'
> GET /doesnotexist HTTP/1.1 > Host: > Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz > User-Agent: curl/7.64.1 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found < Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 07:51:05 GMT < Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 < Content-Length: 196 < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * < < !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.

permission needed: #broadband-ordering-d
Since v1.24.0

Cancel transaction

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null, one of Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
uuid string, one of

Reply params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
uuid string
customer_account_id integer, null
action enum Enum options:
. undefined
open boolean
state enum Enum options:
. undefined
last_updated string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
closed_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
closed_at null, one of
update_contacts null, boolean
sitesurvey_plan_date string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_plan_date null, one of
sitesurvey_date_replan boolean, null
sitesurvey_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_executed_date null, one of
sitesurvey_document string, null
internalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_plan_date null, one of
internalworks_date_replan boolean, null
internalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_executed_date null, one of
externalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_plan_date null, one of
externalworks_date_replan boolean, null
externalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_executed_date null, one of
permit string, null
expected_completion_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date null, one of
expected_completion_date_delayed string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date_delayed null, one of
expected_completion_date_is_forecast boolean, null
expected_completion_date_replan boolean, null
customer_wish_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
customer_wish_date null, one of
customer_wish_date_replan boolean, null
cleanorder_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cleanorder_executed_date null, one of
created_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
cancelled_by string, null
cancel_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cancel_date null, one of
cancel_reason string, null
cancel_requested boolean, null
cancel_possible boolean
purchase_price number, null
sales_price number, null
purchase_teardown_price number, null
sales_teardown_price number, null
purchase_setup_price number, null
sales_setup_price number, null
change_proposal object
document_before_transaction object, null
document_after_transaction object, null
ftu_count integer, null
appointment_url string, null
is_complex boolean, null
is_realtime boolean, null
replan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
replan_date null, one of
replan_requested boolean, null
replan_possible boolean
on_demand boolean
on_demand_requested boolean
Cancel transaction by nid.
Cancel transaction by uuid.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "cancel_transaction",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100300"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "291cfee4-e413-4350-91f8-2392032b1a31",
    "customer_account_id": null,
    "nid": "2408ZE000100300",
    "action": "new",
    "state": "new",
    "open": true,
    "created_at": "2020-10-22T16:41:04Z",
    "last_updated": "2020-10-23T07:45:52Z",
    "update_contacts": null,
    "sitesurvey_plan_date": null,
    "sitesurvey_date_replan": null,
    "sitesurvey_executed_date": null,
    "sitesurvey_document": null,
    "internalworks_plan_date": null,
    "internalworks_date_replan": null,
    "internalworks_executed_date": null,
    "externalworks_plan_date": null,
    "externalworks_date_replan": null,
    "externalworks_executed_date": null,
    "permit": null,
    "expected_completion_date": null,
    "expected_completion_date_delayed": null,
    "expected_completion_date_is_forecast": null,
    "expected_completion_date_replan": null,
    "customer_wish_date": null,
    "customer_wish_date_replan": null,
    "replan_date": null,
    "replan_requested": false,
    "cleanorder_executed_date": "2020-09-10",
    "purchase_price": null,
    "sales_price": null,
    "purchase_teardown_price": null,
    "sales_teardown_price": null,
    "purchase_setup_price": null,
    "sales_setup_price": null,
    "cancelled_by": "customer",
    "cancel_date": "2020-10-23",
    "cancel_reason": "Customer cancel",
    "cancel_requested": true,
    "ftu_count": null,
    "appointment_url": null,
    "document_before_transaction": null,
    "document_after_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "Silver SLA",
          "supplier": "ODIDO",
          "product_id": 751,
          "description": "ODIDO Silver"
        "order_date": "2020-10-23"
      "active": false,
      "address": {
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 10,
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "latitude": "52.1266051",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "longitude": "4.6533684",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "2408ZE000100300",
        "tags": [],
        "product": {
          "area": null,
          "name": "SDSL.bis 2-20Mb",
          "active": true,
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": null,
          "distance": "Onnet",
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "ODIDO",
          "product_id": 665,
          "test_label": null,
          "carriertype": "Copper_only",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "POTS",
          "data_technology": "SDSL.bis",
          "estimated_delivery_duration": null
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "17a0ac8b-c6ae-4a2d-aa97-2554244ae6ac"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "2408ZE000100301",
          "port": "12",
          "tags": [],
          "vlan": 2,
          "product": {
            "qos": null,
            "area": "METRO",
            "name": "Regular circuit 1Mb (Metro)",
            "active": true,
            "is_pvc": true,
            "upload": 1024,
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "download": 1024,
            "supplier": "ODIDO",
            "product_id": 679,
            "overbooking": null,
            "service_type": null,
            "transport_instance": null
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "ODIDO",
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": "291cfee4-e413-4350-91f8-2392032b1a31",
        "action": "new",
        "state": "new"
      "contract_period": {
        "to": null,
        "from": null,
        "last_change": null
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Roman",
          "uuid": "e0a31814-1974-4bd7-8cfd-c4ff0c4c5e74",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0636363633"
    "change_proposal": {}
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "cancel_transaction",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "291cfee4-e413-4350-91f8-2392032b1a31"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "291cfee4-e413-4350-91f8-2392032b1a31",
    "customer_account_id": null,
    "nid": "2408ZE000100300",
    "action": "new",
    "state": "new",
    "open": true,
    "created_at": "2020-10-22T16:41:04Z",
    "last_updated": "2020-10-23T07:45:52Z",
    "update_contacts": null,
    "sitesurvey_plan_date": null,
    "sitesurvey_date_replan": null,
    "sitesurvey_executed_date": null,
    "sitesurvey_document": null,
    "internalworks_plan_date": null,
    "internalworks_date_replan": null,
    "internalworks_executed_date": null,
    "externalworks_plan_date": null,
    "externalworks_date_replan": null,
    "externalworks_executed_date": null,
    "permit": null,
    "expected_completion_date": null,
    "expected_completion_date_is_forecast": null,
    "expected_completion_date_replan": null,
    "customer_wish_date": null,
    "customer_wish_date_replan": null,
    "cleanorder_executed_date": "2020-09-10",
    "purchase_price": null,
    "sales_price": null,
    "purchase_teardown_price": null,
    "sales_teardown_price": null,
    "purchase_setup_price": null,
    "sales_setup_price": null,
    "cancelled_by": "customer",
    "cancel_date": "2020-10-23",
    "cancel_reason": "Customer cancel",
    "cancel_requested": true,
    "document_before_transaction": null,
    "document_after_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "Silver SLA",
          "supplier": "ODIDO",
          "product_id": 751,
          "description": "ODIDO Silver"
        "order_date": "2020-10-23"
      "active": false,
      "address": {
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 10,
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "latitude": "52.1266051",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "longitude": "4.6533684",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "2408ZE000100300",
        "tags": [],
        "product": {
          "area": null,
          "name": "SDSL.bis 2-20Mb",
          "active": true,
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": null,
          "distance": "Onnet",
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "ODIDO",
          "product_id": 665,
          "test_label": null,
          "carriertype": "Copper_only",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "POTS",
          "data_technology": "SDSL.bis",
          "estimated_delivery_duration": null
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "17a0ac8b-c6ae-4a2d-aa97-2554244ae6ac"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "2408ZE000100301",
          "port": "12",
          "tags": [],
          "vlan": 2,
          "product": {
            "qos": null,
            "area": "METRO",
            "name": "Regular circuit 1Mb (Metro)",
            "active": true,
            "is_pvc": true,
            "upload": 1024,
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "download": 1024,
            "supplier": "ODIDO",
            "product_id": 679,
            "overbooking": null,
            "service_type": null,
            "transport_instance": null
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "ODIDO",
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": "291cfee4-e413-4350-91f8-2392032b1a31",
        "action": "new",
        "state": "new"
      "contract_period": {
        "to": null,
        "from": null,
        "last_change": null
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Roman",
          "uuid": "e0a31814-1974-4bd7-8cfd-c4ff0c4c5e74",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0636363633"
    "change_proposal": {}
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.10.0

Request params
Name Type Description
housenr integer
housenrext string
zipcode string Regex:
carrier enum Enum options:
. An enumeration.

Reply params
Name Type Description
line object, any of
    kind object Enum options:
. undefined
    areapop string
    carrier-vendor-id string
    connectionpointinfo array
    connectionpointinfo[#] object
        fiber-terminationpoint-id string
        ftu-type string A string or no value at all.
        fiberconnection array
        fiberconnection[#] object
            current-typeofconnection integer
            current-xdf-access-serviceid string Service label, matches the carrier's nid when the service is provided by Nextpertise.
            future-typeofconnection integer An integer or no value at all.
            futurenid string
            nid string
            future-xdf-access-serviceid string Service label, matches the carrier's nid when the service is provided by Nextpertise.
        carrier-status string A string or no value at all.
        nl-type integer, any of
        nl-type string, any of
        plan-date string A string or no value at all.
        has-date string A string or no value at all.
line object, any of
    kind object Enum options:
. Declares this object to describe a Copper endpoint
    status object Service is possible or not.
    number string Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
    carrier-vendor-id string
    type string A string or no value at all.
    connectionpointinfo array
    connectionpointinfo[#] object, any of
        cgb-name string Connection point name
        isra-specs string ISRA point identification
        number-of-nl1-lines integer Number of lines present at the location
        nl1lines_available integer Number of unassigned lines at the location. Unassigned means that neither telephone nor broadband services are using these lines.
        number-of-nl2-lines integer
        copperconnection array
        copperconnection[#] object
            current-typeofconnection integer An integer or no value at all.
            current-phonenumber string Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
            current-telephony-type string A string or no value at all.
            current-xdf-access-serviceid string
            future-typeofconnection integer An integer or no value at all.
            future-xdf-access-serviceid string Service label, matches the carrier's nid when the service is provided by Nextpertise.
            future-phonenumber string Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
            future-telephony-type string A string or no value at all.
            nid string
            futurenid string
        bonding-allowed integer An integer or no value at all.
        plan-date string A string or no value at all.
        cable-length integer An integer or no value at all.
    connectionpointinfo[#] object, any of
        incomplete boolean
        isra-specs string ISRA point identification
    plan-date string A string or no value at all.
    isra-pin integer An integer or no value at all.
Get copper carriers
Get fiber carriers
Request example
  "housenr": 2,
  "housenrext": null,
  "zipcode": "2408ZE",
  "carrier": "Copper"
Reply example
  "line": {
    "kind": "Copper",
    "status": null,
    "number": null,
    "vendor": "MDF",
    "type": null,
    "connectionpoint": [
        "name": "Al-C",
        "isra": "001/B/TR/TECHNISCHE RUI",
        "nl1lines": 150,
        "nl1lines_available": 140,
        "nl2lines": 14,
        "connection": [
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 3,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": "CGR56426",
            "futuretype": 9,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 3,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": "CGS06036",
            "futuretype": 9,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 3,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": "CHJ54631",
            "futuretype": 9,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 2,
            "number": "0172653748",
            "phonetype": "POTS",
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 9,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
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            "futurephonetype": null,
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            "number": null,
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            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
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            "futureserviceid": null,
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            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
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            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
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            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
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            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
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            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
            "type": 0,
            "number": null,
            "phonetype": null,
            "serviceid": null,
            "futuretype": 0,
            "futureserviceid": null,
            "futurenumber": null,
            "futurephonetype": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futurenid": null
        "bonding_allowed": 0,
        "plan_date": null,
        "cable_length": 13
    "plan_date": null,
    "isra_pin": null
Request example
  "housenr": 10,
  "housenrext": null,
  "zipcode": "2408ZE",
  "carrier": "Fiber"
Reply example
  "line": {
    "kind": "Fiber",
    "areapop": "al-3c",
    "vendor": "REGG",
    "connectionpoint": [
        "id": "0",
        "ftu_type": "FTU_GN02",
        "connection": [
            "type": 5,
            "odfid": "REF0002736675",
            "futuretype": 9,
            "futurenid": null,
            "nid": null,
            "futureodfid": null
        "carrier_status": "O",
        "nlstype": "MIGRATE",
        "plan_date": "20120604",
        "has_date": "20120604"
permission needed: #broadband-c

Upgrades or downgrades connection

Request params
Name Type Description
carrier integer Identifies an individual product by numeric id.
circuit array
circuit[#] object
    circuit integer Identifies an individual product by numeric id.
    tags array
    tags[#] string Regex:
    vlan integer
    vci integer
    vpi integer
    nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
tags array
tags[#] string Regex:
contact_name string
contact_phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
contract_duration integer
additional_contact_phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
custwishdate string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
custwishdate null, one of
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.

Reply params
Name Type Description
planned boolean
updating object
    ^[1-9][0-9]{3}[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{5}[0-9A-Z]{4}$ object
        vlan boolean
        circuit_product boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "change_connection",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
    "contract_duration": 12,
    "contact_name": "test",
    "enduser": {
      "uuid": "abcde123-0123-4abc-9876-012345678912"
    "contact_phonenumber": "0101234567",
    "circuit": [
        "circuit": 756,
        "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
        "vlan": 6
        "circuit": 756,
        "vlan": 7
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "planned": false,
    "updating": {
      "2408ZE000100101": {
        "circuit_product": false,
        "vlan": false
permission needed: #broadband-c

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
product_id integer

Reply params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
uuid string
action enum Enum options:
. undefined
open boolean
state enum Enum options:
. undefined
last_updated string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
sitesurvey_plan_date string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_plan_date null, one of
sitesurvey_date_replan boolean, null
sitesurvey_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_executed_date null, one of
sitesurvey_document string, null
internalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_plan_date null, one of
internalworks_date_replan boolean, null
internalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_executed_date null, one of
externalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_plan_date null, one of
externalworks_date_replan boolean, null
externalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_executed_date null, one of
expected_completion_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date null, one of
expected_completion_date_delayed string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date_delayed null, one of
expected_completion_date_is_forecast boolean, null
expected_completion_date_replan boolean, null
customer_wish_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
customer_wish_date null, one of
customer_wish_date_replan boolean, null
cancelled_by string, null
cancel_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cancel_date null, one of
cancel_reason string, null
cancel_possible boolean
replan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
replan_date null, one of
replan_requested boolean
cleanorder_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cleanorder_executed_date null, one of
created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
cancel_requested boolean, null
document_before_transaction null, object
document_after_transaction null, object
document null, object
ftu_count null, integer
appointment_url string, null
replan_possible boolean
is_complex boolean, null
is_realtime boolean, null
closed_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
closed_at null, one of
on_demand boolean
on_demand_requested boolean
ont_registration boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "change_sla",
  "params": {
    "nid": "3901KV000070800",
    "product_id": 759
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "db320536-5484-4442-820f-1b125569820b",
    "nid": "3901KV000070800",
    "action": "change",
    "state": "processing",
    "open": true,
    "created_at": "2021-08-02T09:55:31Z",
    "last_updated": "2021-08-02T09:55:31Z",
    "document_before_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "Best Effort",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 758,
          "description": "KPNWBA Best Effort - Standard (FTT[H/O])"
        "order_date": "2021-08-02"
      "active": true,
      "address": {
        "city": "Veenendaal",
        "street": "De Brinken",
        "housenr": 7,
        "zipcode": "3901KV",
        "latitude": "52.0199694",
        "province": "Utrecht",
        "longitude": "5.5612248",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Veenendaal"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "3901KV000070800",
        "tags": [],
        "product": {
          "area": null,
          "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GoF/MIGRATE_FTTH",
          "active": true,
          "maxnls": null,
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": "FMIGRATE",
          "distance": null,
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 636,
          "test_label": false,
          "carriertype": "Fiber",
          "channel_type": "Ethernet",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "FttH",
          "data_technology": "GoF",
          "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
          "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "10d"
        "ftu_type": "FTU_TK01",
        "serviceid": "HQE73515",
        "additional_serviceid": null
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "17a0ac8b-c6ae-4a2d-aa97-2554244ae6ac"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "3901KV000070801",
          "vlan": 6,
          "product": {
            "qos": "Best Effort",
            "area": null,
            "name": null,
            "active": true,
            "is_pvc": true,
            "upload": 100000,
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "download": 100000,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 279,
            "overbooking": 0,
            "service_type": 7396,
            "transport_instance": "TI-NEXT/1"
          "provisioning": {
            "enabled": true,
            "blocked": false,
            "ipvpn": "internet",
            "authentication": false,
            "username": "",
            "password": "pm6mdqvz3a8f",
            "primary_ipv4": "",
            "routed_ipv4": [],
            "accesslist": null
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "contract_period": {
        "to": "2022-08-02",
        "from": "2021-08-02",
        "last_change": "2021-08-02"
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Contact 1",
          "uuid": "2182a44f-aff5-4ef6-8139-52a875c70f6f",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0656565643"
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": "db320536-5484-4442-820f-1b125569820b",
        "action": "change",
        "state": "processing"
    "document_after_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "24x7",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "description": "KPNWBA 24x7 - Premium (FTT[H/O])",
          "product_id": 759
        "order_date": "2021-08-02"
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Contact 1",
          "uuid": "2182a44f-aff5-4ef6-8139-52a875c70f6f",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0656565643"
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "17a0ac8b-c6ae-4a2d-aa97-2554244ae6ac"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "3901KV000070800",
        "tags": [],
        "product": {
          "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GoF/MIGRATE_FTTH",
          "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
          "upload": null,
          "carriertype": "Fiber",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "FttH",
          "nlstype": "FMIGRATE",
          "data_technology": "GoF",
          "maxnls": null,
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "10d",
          "test_label": false,
          "active": true,
          "product_id": 636,
          "channel_type": "Ethernet",
          "distance": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
          "area": null,
          "download": null
        "ftu_type": "FTU_TK01",
        "serviceid": "HQE73515"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "active": true,
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "3901KV000070801",
          "vlan": 6,
          "product": {
            "download": 100000,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "overbooking": 0,
            "service_type": 7396,
            "active": true,
            "is_pvc": true,
            "upload": 100000,
            "name": null,
            "product_id": 279,
            "transport_instance": "TI-NEXT/1",
            "qos": "Best Effort",
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "area": null
          "provisioning": {
            "ipvpn": "internet",
            "authentication": false
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "address": {
        "province": "Utrecht",
        "municipality": "Veenendaal",
        "city": "Veenendaal",
        "street": "De Brinken",
        "housenr": 7,
        "housenrext": "",
        "latitude": "52.0199694",
        "longitude": "5.5612248",
        "zipcode": "3901KV"
      "contract_period": {
        "from": null,
        "to": null,
        "last_change": null
      "contract_duration": 12
permission needed: #broadband-c
Since v1.30.0

Complete transaction

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, one of
ont_number string, one of
nid string, one of
on_demand_execute boolean, one of

Reply params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
uuid string
customer_account_id integer, null
action enum Enum options:
. undefined
open boolean
state enum Enum options:
. undefined
last_updated string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
closed_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
closed_at null, one of
update_contacts null, boolean
sitesurvey_plan_date string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_plan_date null, one of
sitesurvey_date_replan boolean, null
sitesurvey_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_executed_date null, one of
sitesurvey_document string, null
internalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_plan_date null, one of
internalworks_date_replan boolean, null
internalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_executed_date null, one of
externalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_plan_date null, one of
externalworks_date_replan boolean, null
externalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_executed_date null, one of
permit string, null
expected_completion_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date null, one of
expected_completion_date_delayed string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date_delayed null, one of
expected_completion_date_is_forecast boolean, null
expected_completion_date_replan boolean, null
customer_wish_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
customer_wish_date null, one of
customer_wish_date_replan boolean, null
cleanorder_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cleanorder_executed_date null, one of
created_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
cancelled_by string, null
cancel_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cancel_date null, one of
cancel_reason string, null
cancel_requested boolean, null
cancel_possible boolean
purchase_price number, null
sales_price number, null
purchase_teardown_price number, null
sales_teardown_price number, null
purchase_setup_price number, null
sales_setup_price number, null
change_proposal object
document_before_transaction object, null
document_after_transaction object, null
ftu_count integer, null
appointment_url string, null
is_complex boolean, null
is_realtime boolean, null
replan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
replan_date null, one of
replan_requested boolean, null
replan_possible boolean
on_demand boolean
on_demand_requested boolean
Complete on_demand transaction.
Revise transaction with ONT registration number.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "revise_transaction",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
    "on_demand_execute": true
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "98d70765-c4d8-4f1d-b1ad-b05668a0c7f1",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
    "action": "new",
    "state": "processing",
    "open": true,
    "created_at": "2022-07-05T09:59:27Z",
    "last_updated": "2022-07-05T09:59:27Z",
    "cancel_possible": true,
    "document_after_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "24x7",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 759,
          "description": "KPNWBA 24x7 - Premium (FTT[H/O])"
        "order_date": "2022-07-05"
      "active": false,
      "address": {
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 10,
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "latitude": "52.0199113",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "longitude": "5.5612053",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
        "tags": [],
        "product": {
          "area": null,
          "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GoF_FTTH/NLS6",
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": "NLS6",
          "distance": null,
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 638,
          "test_label": false,
          "carriertype": "Fiber",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "FttH",
          "data_technology": "GoF"
        "ftu_type": "FTU_TK01"
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "17a0ac8b-c6ae-4a2d-aa97-2554244ae6ac"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
          "vlan": 6,
          "product": {
            "qos": "Best Effort",
            "name": null,
            "upload": 100000,
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "download": 100000,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 279,
            "overbooking": 0
          "provisioning": {
            "enabled": true,
            "blocked": false,
            "ipvpn": "internet",
            "authentication": false,
            "username": "",
            "password": "secret",
            "primary_ipv4": "",
            "routed_ipv4": [],
            "accesslist": null
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "contract_period": {
        "to": null,
        "from": null,
        "last_change": null
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Teun Ouwehand",
          "uuid": "2ec4e623-bc66-4ba0-9ead-5590c8f63deb",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0612345678"
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": "98d70765-c4d8-4f1d-b1ad-b05668a0c7f1",
        "action": "new",
        "state": "processing"
    "ftu_count": 1,
    "replan_possible": true,
    "replan_requested": false
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "revise_transaction",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
    "ont_number": "GNX012E1234"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "98d70765-c4d8-4f1d-b1ad-b05668a0c7f1",
    "nid": "3901KV000090200",
    "action": "new",
    "state": "processing",
    "open": true,
    "created_at": "2022-07-05T09:59:27Z",
    "last_updated": "2022-07-05T09:59:27Z",
    "cancel_possible": true,
    "document_after_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "24x7",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 759,
          "description": "KPNWBA 24x7 - Premium (FTT[H/O])"
        "order_date": "2022-07-05"
      "active": false,
      "address": {
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 10,
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "latitude": "52.0199113",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "longitude": "5.5612053",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
        "tags": [],
        "ont_number": "GNX012E1234",
        "product": {
          "area": null,
          "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GoF_FTTH/NLS6",
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": "NLS6",
          "distance": null,
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 638,
          "test_label": false,
          "carriertype": "Fiber",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "FttH",
          "data_technology": "GoF"
        "ftu_type": "FTU_TK01"
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "17a0ac8b-c6ae-4a2d-aa97-2554244ae6ac"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
          "vlan": 6,
          "product": {
            "qos": "Best Effort",
            "name": null,
            "upload": 100000,
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "download": 100000,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 279,
            "overbooking": 0
          "provisioning": {
            "enabled": true,
            "blocked": false,
            "ipvpn": "internet",
            "authentication": false,
            "username": "",
            "password": "secret",
            "primary_ipv4": "",
            "routed_ipv4": [],
            "accesslist": null
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "contract_period": {
        "to": null,
        "from": null,
        "last_change": null
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Teun Ouwehand",
          "uuid": "2ec4e623-bc66-4ba0-9ead-5590c8f63deb",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0612345678"
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": "98d70765-c4d8-4f1d-b1ad-b05668a0c7f1",
        "action": "new",
        "state": "processing"
    "ftu_count": 1,
    "replan_possible": true,
    "replan_requested": false
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.25.0

Returns a list of available subnetsizes for an IPVPN.

Request params
Name Type Description
ipvpn_name string
circuit_nid string
protocol string

Reply params
Name Type Description
available_subnetsizes array
available_subnetsizes[#] integer
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_available_subnetsizes",
  "params": {
    "ipvpn_name": "internet",
    "circuit_nid": "2408ZE000030101",
    "protocol": "ipv4"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "available_subnetsizes": [
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.27.0

Returns available products for a given carrier

Request params
Name Type Description
carrier integer

Reply params
Name Type Description
circuits array
circuits[#] object
    active boolean
    is_pvc boolean
    area string, null A string or no value at all.
    qos string, null A string or no value at all.
    name string, null A string or no value at all.
    upload integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    quality string, null A string or no value at all.
    download integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    supplier string
    product_id integer
    overbooking integer, null An integer or no value at all.
slas array
slas[#] object
    name string
    supplier string
    product_id integer
    description string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_carrier_products",
  "params": {
    "carrier": 761
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "circuits": [
        "upload": 51200,
        "name": null,
        "supplier": "ZIGGO",
        "qos": null,
        "quality": "REGULAR",
        "download": 51200,
        "product_id": 762,
        "overbooking": null
        "upload": 102400,
        "name": null,
        "supplier": "ZIGGO",
        "qos": null,
        "quality": "REGULAR",
        "download": 102400,
        "product_id": 763,
        "overbooking": null
        "upload": 204800,
        "name": null,
        "supplier": "ZIGGO",
        "qos": null,
        "quality": "REGULAR",
        "download": 204800,
        "product_id": 764,
        "overbooking": null
        "upload": 512000,
        "name": null,
        "supplier": "ZIGGO",
        "qos": null,
        "quality": "REGULAR",
        "download": 512000,
        "product_id": 765,
        "overbooking": null
        "upload": 1024000,
        "name": null,
        "supplier": "ZIGGO",
        "qos": null,
        "quality": "REGULAR",
        "download": 1024000,
        "product_id": 766,
        "overbooking": null
        "upload": 2048,
        "name": null,
        "supplier": "ZIGGO",
        "qos": null,
        "quality": "PREMIUM",
        "download": 2048,
        "product_id": 767,
        "overbooking": null
        "upload": 1024,
        "name": null,
        "supplier": "ZIGGO",
        "qos": null,
        "quality": "PREMIUM",
        "download": 1024,
        "product_id": 768,
        "overbooking": null
    "slas": [
        "name": "Standard SLA",
        "product_id": 760,
        "description": "ZIGGO Standard",
        "supplier": "ZIGGO"
permission needed: #broadband-r

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
carrier_product_ids array
carrier_product_ids[#] integer

Reply params
Name Type Description
carrier_products object
    ^\d+$ enum Enum options:
. undefined
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_change_connection_options",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000720100",
    "carrier_product_ids": [
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "carrier_products": {
      "116": "realtime",
      "133": "planned",
      "138": "new",
      "640": "new",
      "653": "realtime"
permission needed: #broadband-r

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.

Reply params
Name Type Description
attachment string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_connection_report",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "attachment": "SW4gcmVhbGl0eSwgSSdtIGEgYmluYXJ5IFBERiBlbmNvZGVkIGFzIGJhc2U2NC4="
permission needed: #broadband-r

Request params
Name Type Description
filter object
    carrier_product_id integer

Reply params
Name Type Description
^[1-9][0-9]+$ object
    contract_durations array
    contract_durations[#] integer
    default_contract_duration integer
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_contract_durations",
  "params": {
    "filter": {
      "carrier_product_id": 108
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "108": {
      "contract_durations": [
      "default_contract_duration": 12
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.20.0

Request params
Name Type Description
name string
circuit_nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.

Reply params
Name Type Description
name string
raw string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_accesslist",
  "params": {
    "name": "yourplatform"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "name": "yourplatform",
    "raw": "\nip:inacl#10=permit ip {{ primary_ipv4_address }} {{ primary_ipv4_wildcard }}\n ip:inacl#11=permit ip {{ primary_ipv4_address }} {{ primary_ipv4_wildcard }}\n ip:inacl#13=permit ip {{ primary_ipv4_address }} {{ primary_ipv4_wildcard }} host\n ip:inacl#99=deny ip any any"
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.27.0

Returns available products for a given provider

Request params
Name Type Description
provider string

Reply params
Name Type Description
carriers array
carriers[#] object
    area string, null A string or no value at all.
    name string
    upload integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    nlstype string, null A string or no value at all.
    maxnls integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    distance string, null A string or no value at all.
    download integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    supplier string
    network string
    product_id integer
    test_label boolean, null
    carriertype enum Enum options:
. Defines the physical medium for internet access and whether the medium is shared with other (voice) services. FttH and FttO are both Fiber connections with other parameters.
    copper_pairs integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    base_technology string, null A string or no value at all.
    data_technology string, null A string or no value at all.
    channel_type string, null
    ont_registration boolean
    aggregated_carriertype string, null
    aggregated_data_technology string, null
    netcode_id integer, null
    slas array
    circuits array
    on_demand boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_provider_products",
  "params": {
    "provider": "ODIDO"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "carriers": [
        "upload": null,
        "base_technology": "POTS",
        "network": "ODIDO",
        "copper_pairs": 1,
        "data_technology": "SDSL.bis",
        "nlstype": null,
        "maxnls": null,
        "test_label": null,
        "distance": "Onnet",
        "product_id": 665,
        "channel_type": "Ethernet",
        "area": null,
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "aggregated_data_technology": "SDSL.bis",
        "netcode_id": null,
        "download": null,
        "name": "SDSL.bis 2-20Mb",
        "aggregated_carriertype": "Copper",
        "carriertype": "Copper_only"
        "upload": null,
        "base_technology": "POTS",
        "network": "ODIDO",
        "copper_pairs": 1,
        "data_technology": "SDSL.bis",
        "nlstype": null,
        "maxnls": null,
        "test_label": null,
        "distance": "Nearnet",
        "product_id": 673,
        "channel_type": "Ethernet",
        "area": null,
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "aggregated_data_technology": "SDSL.bis",
        "netcode_id": null,
        "download": null,
        "name": "SDSL.bis 20Mb (Nearnet)",
        "aggregated_carriertype": "Copper",
        "carriertype": "Copper_only"
        "upload": 1024000,
        "base_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "ODIDO",
        "copper_pairs": null,
        "data_technology": null,
        "nlstype": null,
        "maxnls": null,
        "test_label": null,
        "distance": "1-Onnet",
        "product_id": 674,
        "channel_type": "Ethernet",
        "area": null,
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
        "netcode_id": 1,
        "download": 1024000,
        "name": "Fiber (1-Onnet)",
        "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
        "carriertype": "Fiber"
        "upload": 1024000,
        "base_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "ODIDO",
        "copper_pairs": null,
        "data_technology": null,
        "nlstype": null,
        "maxnls": null,
        "test_label": null,
        "distance": "2-Nearnet",
        "product_id": 675,
        "channel_type": "Ethernet",
        "area": null,
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
        "netcode_id": 2,
        "download": 1024000,
        "name": "Fiber (2-Nearnet)",
        "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
        "carriertype": "Fiber"
        "upload": 1024000,
        "base_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "ODIDO",
        "copper_pairs": null,
        "data_technology": null,
        "nlstype": null,
        "maxnls": null,
        "test_label": null,
        "distance": "3-Nearnet",
        "product_id": 676,
        "channel_type": "Ethernet",
        "area": null,
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
        "netcode_id": 3,
        "download": 1024000,
        "name": "Fiber (3-Nearnet)",
        "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
        "carriertype": "Fiber"
        "upload": 1024000,
        "base_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "EUROFIBER",
        "copper_pairs": null,
        "data_technology": null,
        "nlstype": null,
        "maxnls": null,
        "test_label": null,
        "distance": "4-Onnet",
        "product_id": 677,
        "channel_type": "Ethernet",
        "area": null,
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
        "netcode_id": 4,
        "download": 1024000,
        "name": "Fiber (4-Onnet)",
        "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
        "carriertype": "Fiber"
        "upload": 1024000,
        "base_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "EUROFIBER",
        "copper_pairs": null,
        "data_technology": null,
        "nlstype": null,
        "maxnls": null,
        "test_label": null,
        "distance": "4-Nearnet",
        "product_id": 678,
        "channel_type": "Ethernet",
        "area": null,
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
        "netcode_id": 5,
        "download": 1024000,
        "name": "Fiber (4-Nearnet)",
        "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
        "carriertype": "Fiber"
permission needed: #broadband-pricing-r
Since v1.29.0

Returns uuid of newly created offer

Request params
Name Type Description
offer_request object
    reference string
    zipcode string
    housenr integer
    housenrext string, null
    supplier array
    circuits array
    circuits[0] array
    circuits[0][#] object
        upload integer
        download integer
        premium boolean
    note string
    contract_duration array

Reply params
Name Type Description
uuid string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "request_offer",
  "params": {
    "offer_request": {
      "reference": "De kabelfabriek",
      "zipcode": "2408ZE",
      "housenr": 10,
      "housenrext": null,
      "supplier": [
      "circuits": [
            "upload": 1024000,
            "premium": true,
            "download": 512000
      "note": ""
  "id": 1
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "9de9e704-a1b0-4718-8a40-f135e42557e6"
permission needed: #broadband-pricing-r
Since v1.29.0

Returns offer

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string

Reply params
Name Type Description
id integer
customer_id integer
offer_request object
    reference string
    zipcode string
    housenr integer
    housenrext string, null
    supplier array
    circuits array
    circuits[0] array
    circuits[0][#] object
        upload integer
        download integer
        premium boolean
    note string, null
    contract_duration array, null
uuid string
updated_at string
status string
first_expiration_date string, null
publication_date string, null
autocomplete_date string, null
address object
    city string
    street string
    housenr integer
    zipcode string
    latitude string
    province string
    longitude string
    housenrext string
    municipality string
created_at string
reference string, null
drafted boolean
offer_number string
customer_code string
customer_name string
requested_by string
offers array
offers[#] object
    alt_address object, null
        city string
        street string
        housenr integer
        zipcode string
        latitude string
        province string
        longitude string
        housenrext string
        municipality string
    expiration_date string
    status string
    note string, null
    private_note string, null
    offer_id integer
    uuid string
    id integer
    updated_at string
    deleted boolean
    carrier object
        deleted boolean
        carrier_id integer
        recurring_price number, null
        recurring_period string, null
        setup_price number, null
        terminate_price number, null
        contract_duration integer, null
        offer_variant_id integer
        uuid string
    circuits array
    circuits[#] object
        deleted boolean
        circuit_id integer
        recurring_price number, null
        recurring_period string, null
        setup_price number, null
        terminate_price number, null
        contract_duration integer, null
        offer_variant_id integer
        uuid string
    sla object
        deleted boolean
        sla_id integer
        recurring_price number, null
        recurring_period string, null
        setup_price number, null
        terminate_price number, null
        contract_duration integer, null
        offer_variant_id integer
        uuid string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_offer",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "b5a7cc96-1fe1-4448-98af-d38234491482"
  "id": 1
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "created_at": "2022-09-21T09:29:14Z",
    "reference": null,
    "offer_request": {
      "note": "",
      "housenr": 10,
      "zipcode": "2408ZE",
      "circuits": [
            "upload": 1024000,
            "premium": true,
            "download": 512000
      "supplier": [
      "reference": "De Kabelfabriek",
      "housenrext": null
    "uuid": "b5a7cc96-1fe1-4448-98af-d38234491482",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-21T09:36:34Z",
    "first_expiration_date": "2022-11-01T00:00:00Z",
    "publication_date": null,
    "address": {
      "province": "Zuid-Holland",
      "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
      "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
      "zipcode": "2408ZE",
      "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
      "housenr": 10,
      "housenrext": "",
      "latitude": "52.1266051",
      "longitude": "4.6533684"
    "offers": [
        "updated_at": "2022-09-21T09:36:34Z",
        "note": "I'm a note.",
        "expiration_date": "2022-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "deleted": false,
        "alt_address": null,
        "uuid": "cea54650-2d6f-4dae-ac51-f663a4951abb",
        "circuits": [
            "terminate_price": 5,
            "recurring_period": "monthly",
            "deleted": false,
            "contract_duration": 36,
            "setup_price": 3,
            "recurring_price": 1,
            "uuid": "2aebf334-755d-4b2a-b848-f26291b20ace"
        "carrier": {
          "terminate_price": 8,
          "recurring_period": "monthly",
          "deleted": false,
          "contract_duration": 36,
          "setup_price": 4,
          "recurring_price": 2,
          "uuid": "812cc567-da1e-47e8-bc3c-a28b950199d7"
        "sla": {
          "terminate_price": 7,
          "recurring_period": "monthly",
          "deleted": false,
          "contract_duration": 36,
          "setup_price": 8,
          "recurring_price": 9,
          "uuid": "09d59291-5237-4e3c-9b83-14e12a396bb5"
        "updated_at": "2022-09-21T09:36:34Z",
        "note": "I'm jushjgfhgfhjt a note.",
        "expiration_date": "2028-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "deleted": false,
        "alt_address": null,
        "uuid": "dac95dba-d6b9-4397-81f3-e8c941c9a87e",
        "circuits": [
            "terminate_price": 5,
            "recurring_period": "monthly",
            "deleted": false,
            "contract_duration": 12,
            "setup_price": 3,
            "recurring_price": 1,
            "uuid": "44fe11e4-8cb6-4235-a967-6269f35ca798"
            "terminate_price": 5000,
            "recurring_period": "monthly",
            "deleted": false,
            "contract_duration": 12,
            "setup_price": 3,
            "recurring_price": 1,
            "uuid": "6617f658-fef6-429a-9657-65e86e19b3b2"
        "carrier": {
          "terminate_price": 18,
          "recurring_period": "monthly",
          "deleted": false,
          "contract_duration": 12,
          "setup_price": 40,
          "recurring_price": 200,
          "uuid": "69b82935-08b4-4604-94d7-4da7e9681bcd"
        "sla": {
          "terminate_price": 7,
          "recurring_period": "monthly",
          "deleted": false,
          "contract_duration": 12,
          "setup_price": 8,
          "recurring_price": 9,
          "uuid": "2ab80d87-655e-4f1e-b1dd-cf8d5b66d806"
permission needed: #broadband-pricing-r
Since v1.29.0

Returns offers

Request params
Name Type Description
pagination object Used to limit the amount of items returned.
    per_page integer Amount of items per page. '0' means 'all' on some endpoints.
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
sort object
    customer_id integer
    id integer
    created_at enum Enum options:
. undefined
    reference enum Enum options:
. undefined
    uuid enum Enum options:
. undefined
    updated_at enum Enum options:
. undefined
    publication_date enum Enum options:
. undefined
    changed_after_publication boolean
    first_expiration_date enum Enum options:
. undefined
    status enum Enum options:
. undefined
filter object
    city string
    street string
    housenr string
    zipcode string
    provice string
    municipality string
    customer_id integer
    id integer
    created_at string
    reference string
    uuid string
    updated_at string
    publication_date string
    changed_after_publication boolean
    first_expiration_date string
    status string
    offer_number string
    open boolean

Reply params
Name Type Description
offers array
offers[#] object
    created_at string
    reference string, null
    uuid string
    updated_at string, null
    publication_date string, null
    changed_after_publication boolean, null
    status string
    first_expiration_date string, null
    autocomplete_date string, null
    drafted boolean
    offer_number string
    customer_code string
    customer_name string
    requested_by string
    address object
        city string
        street string
        housenr integer
        zipcode string
        latitude string
        province string
        longitude string
        housenrext string
        municipality string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "list_offers",
  "params": {
    "pagination": {
      "per_page": 10,
      "page": 1
    "filter": {
      "zipcode": ""
  "id": 1
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "offers": [
        "created_at": "2022-09-21T08:19:36Z",
        "reference": null,
        "uuid": "24418e52-281a-4bb7-ac9b-93131fd8e7a1",
        "updated_at": "2022-09-21T08:19:36Z",
        "publication_date": null,
        "address": {
          "province": "Zuid-Holland",
          "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
          "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
          "zipcode": "2408ZE",
          "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
          "housenr": 10,
          "housenrext": "",
          "latitude": "52.1266051",
          "longitude": "4.6533684"
        "changed_after_publication": null,
        "first_expiration_date": null
    "pagination": {
      "previous_page": null,
      "next_page": null,
      "per_page": 10,
      "count": 1
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.27.0

Returns available carriers products

Request params
Name Type Description
pagination object Used to limit the amount of items returned.
    per_page integer Amount of items per page. '0' means 'all' on some endpoints.
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
sort object
    carriertype enum Enum options:
. undefined
    netcode_id enum Enum options:
. undefined
    copper_pairs enum Enum options:
. undefined
    base_technology enum Enum options:
. undefined
    network enum Enum options:
. undefined
    nlstype enum Enum options:
. undefined
    data_technology enum Enum options:
. undefined
    maxnls enum Enum options:
. undefined
    test_label enum Enum options:
. undefined
    product_id enum Enum options:
. undefined
    channel_type enum Enum options:
. undefined
    distance enum Enum options:
. undefined
    supplier enum Enum options:
. undefined
    aggregated_data_technology enum Enum options:
. undefined
    area enum Enum options:
. undefined
    name enum Enum options:
. undefined
    aggregated_carriertype enum Enum options:
. undefined
    download enum Enum options:
. undefined
    upload enum Enum options:
. undefined
filter object
    carriertype string
    netcode_id string
    copper_pairs string
    base_technology string
    network string
    nlstype string
    data_technology string
    maxnls string
    test_label string
    product_id string
    channel_type string
    distance string
    supplier string
    aggregated_data_technology string
    area string
    name string
    aggregated_carriertype string
    download string
    upload string
    invoice_description string

Reply params
Name Type Description
carriers array
carriers[#] object
    area string, null A string or no value at all.
    name string
    upload integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    nlstype string, null A string or no value at all.
    maxnls integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    distance string, null A string or no value at all.
    download integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    supplier string
    network string
    product_id integer
    test_label boolean, null
    carriertype enum Enum options:
. Defines the physical medium for internet access and whether the medium is shared with other (voice) services. FttH and FttO are both Fiber connections with other parameters.
    copper_pairs integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    base_technology string, null A string or no value at all.
    data_technology string, null A string or no value at all.
    channel_type string, null
    ont_registration boolean
    aggregated_carriertype string, null
    aggregated_data_technology string, null
    netcode_id integer, null
    slas array
    circuits array
    on_demand boolean
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a (next|previous)_page returns null, the (next|previous)page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
    count integer, null An integer or no value at all.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "list_carriers",
  "params": {
    "pagination": {
      "per_page": 0,
      "page": 1
    "sort": {
      "nlstype": "DESC"
    "filter": {
      "supplier": "KPNWBA"
  "id": 1
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "carriers": [
        "nlstype": "PLAIN",
        "maxnls": null,
        "test_label": false,
        "distance": null,
        "product_id": 635,
        "channel_type": "Ethernet",
        "area": "FttH",
        "supplier": "KPNWBA",
        "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
        "download": null,
        "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GoF_FTTH",
        "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
        "upload": null,
        "carriertype": "Fiber",
        "netcode_id": null,
        "copper_pairs": 1,
        "base_technology": "FttH",
        "network": "KPN Netwerk NL",
        "data_technology": "GoF",
        "circuits": [
        "slas": [
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.27.0

Returns available circuits products

Request params
Name Type Description
pagination object Used to limit the amount of items returned.
    per_page integer Amount of items per page. '0' means 'all' on some endpoints.
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
sort object
    active enum Enum options:
. undefined
    is_pvc enum Enum options:
. undefined
    upload enum Enum options:
. undefined
    name enum Enum options:
. undefined
    product_id enum Enum options:
. undefined
    overbooking enum Enum options:
. undefined
    qos enum Enum options:
. undefined
    quality enum Enum options:
. undefined
    area enum Enum options:
. undefined
    download enum Enum options:
. undefined
    supplier enum Enum options:
. undefined
filter object
    carrier_id integer
    active string
    is_pvc string
    upload string
    name string
    product_id string
    overbooking string
    qos string
    quality string
    area string
    download string
    supplier string

Reply params
Name Type Description
circuits array
circuits[#] object
    active boolean
    is_pvc boolean
    area string, null A string or no value at all.
    qos string, null A string or no value at all.
    name string, null A string or no value at all.
    upload integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    quality string, null A string or no value at all.
    download integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    supplier string
    product_id integer
    overbooking integer, null An integer or no value at all.
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a (next|previous)_page returns null, the (next|previous)page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
    count integer, null An integer or no value at all.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "list_circuits",
  "params": {
    "pagination": {
      "per_page": 0,
      "page": 1
    "sort": {
      "name": "DESC"
  "id": 1
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "circuits": [
        "qos": null,
        "quality": "REGULAR",
        "area": "REGIONAL",
        "upload": 8192,
        "name": "Regular Regional circuit 8Mb",
        "product_id": 514,
        "overbooking": null,
        "active": true,
        "is_pvc": false,
        "download": 8192,
        "supplier": "KPNWEAS"
permission needed: #broadband-r

Returns available misc products

Request params
Name Type Description
pagination object Used to limit the amount of items returned.
    per_page integer Amount of items per page. '0' means 'all' on some endpoints.
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
sort object
    product_id enum Enum options:
. undefined
    description enum Enum options:
. undefined
    supplier enum Enum options:
. undefined
    name enum Enum options:
. undefined
    type enum Enum options:
. undefined
filter object
    type enum Enum options:
. Misc type
    product_id string
    supplier string
    name string
    description string

Reply params
Name Type Description
list_misc array
list_misc[#] object
    name string
    supplier string, null
    product_id integer
    description string
    type enum Enum options:
. undefined
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a (next|previous)_page returns null, the (next|previous)page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
    count integer, null An integer or no value at all.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "list_misc",
  "params": {},
  "id": 1
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "list_misc": [
        "name": "EVC aanpassing",
        "product_id": 954,
        "description": "EVC aanpassing",
        "supplier": null,
        "type": "oneoff"
        "name": "Aanvraag HBO FTTH",
        "product_id": 956,
        "description": "Aanvraag HBO FTTH",
        "supplier": null,
        "type": "oneoff"
        "name": "Cancel ongoing order",
        "product_id": 957,
        "description": "Cancel ongoing order",
        "supplier": null,
        "type": "oneoff"
    "pagination": {
      "previous_page": null,
      "next_page": null,
      "per_page": 25,
      "count": 3
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.27.0

Returns available slas products

Request params
Name Type Description
pagination object Used to limit the amount of items returned.
    per_page integer Amount of items per page. '0' means 'all' on some endpoints.
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
sort object
    product_id enum Enum options:
. undefined
    description enum Enum options:
. undefined
    supplier enum Enum options:
. undefined
    name enum Enum options:
. undefined
filter object
    carrier_id integer
    product_id string
    description string
    supplier string
    name string

Reply params
Name Type Description
slas array
slas[#] object
    uuid string
    name string
    supplier string
    product_id integer
    description string
    abacus_product_uuid string, null
    product_pricing_group_id integer, null
    zendesk_tag string, null
    priority integer, null
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a (next|previous)_page returns null, the (next|previous)page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
    count integer, null An integer or no value at all.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "list_slas",
  "params": {},
  "id": 1
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "slas": [
        "description": "KPNWBA Best Effort - Standard (Copper)",
        "supplier": "KPNWBA",
        "name": "Best Effort",
        "product_id": 606
permission needed: #broadband-ordering-r
Since v1.30.0

Returns broadband offer possible bandwidths

Request params
This method expects an empty object as input:

Reply params
Name Type Description
regular array, null
regular[#] integer
premium array
premium[#] integer
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_bandwidths",
  "params": {}
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "regular": [
    "premium": [
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.29.0

Returns prices

Request params
Name Type Description
product_list array
product_list[0] array
product_list[0][0] integer
product_list[0][1] integer

Reply params
Name Type Description
sale_cost_price number
sale_setup_price number
sale_teardown_price number
contract_duration integer
product_id integer
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_prices",
  "params": {
    "product_list": [
  "id": 1
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": [
      "sale_cost_price": 102.3,
      "sale_setup_price": 60.5,
      "sale_teardown_price": 45.1,
      "contract_duration": 24,
      "product_id": 759
      "sale_cost_price": 103.4,
      "sale_setup_price": 92.4,
      "sale_teardown_price": 74.8,
      "contract_duration": 36,
      "product_id": 688
      "sale_cost_price": 86.9,
      "sale_setup_price": 52.8,
      "sale_teardown_price": 31.9,
      "contract_duration": 36,
      "product_id": 880
      "sale_cost_price": 80.3,
      "sale_setup_price": 52.8,
      "sale_teardown_price": 36.3,
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "product_id": 690
      "sale_cost_price": 96.8,
      "sale_setup_price": 38.5,
      "sale_teardown_price": 78.1,
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "product_id": 884
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.26.0

Get a broadband transaction.

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.

Reply params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
uuid string
action enum Enum options:
. undefined
open boolean
state enum Enum options:
. undefined
last_updated string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
sitesurvey_plan_date string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_plan_date null, one of
sitesurvey_date_replan boolean, null
sitesurvey_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_executed_date null, one of
sitesurvey_document string, null
internalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_plan_date null, one of
internalworks_date_replan boolean, null
internalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_executed_date null, one of
externalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_plan_date null, one of
externalworks_date_replan boolean, null
externalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_executed_date null, one of
expected_completion_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date null, one of
expected_completion_date_delayed string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date_delayed null, one of
expected_completion_date_is_forecast boolean, null
expected_completion_date_replan boolean, null
customer_wish_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
customer_wish_date null, one of
customer_wish_date_replan boolean, null
cancelled_by string, null
cancel_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cancel_date null, one of
cancel_reason string, null
cancel_possible boolean
replan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
replan_date null, one of
replan_requested boolean
cleanorder_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cleanorder_executed_date null, one of
created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
cancel_requested boolean, null
document_before_transaction null, object
document_after_transaction null, object
document null, object
ftu_count null, integer
appointment_url string, null
replan_possible boolean
is_complex boolean, null
is_realtime boolean, null
closed_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
closed_at null, one of
on_demand boolean
on_demand_requested boolean
ont_registration boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_recent_transaction",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000060100"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "7119168a-242d-4e6d-bd76-a885b9a16723",
    "nid": "2408ZE000060100",
    "action": "terminate",
    "state": "new",
    "open": true,
    "created_at": "2021-07-28T15:29:55Z",
    "last_updated": "2021-07-28T15:29:55Z",
    "customer_wish_date": "2021-07-28",
    "document_before_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "Best Effort",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 606,
          "description": "KPNWBA Best Effort - Standard (Copper)"
        "order_date": "2021-07-28"
      "active": false,
      "address": {
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 6,
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "latitude": "52.1265736",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "longitude": "4.6533857",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "2408ZE000060100",
        "tags": [],
        "israpin": 3,
        "product": {
          "area": null,
          "name": "DLM-WN/Copper_only/VDSL2_POTS/NLS1_ZTL",
          "active": true,
          "maxnls": 1,
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": "NLS1",
          "distance": null,
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 118,
          "test_label": false,
          "carriertype": "Copper_only",
          "channel_type": "Ethernet",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "POTS",
          "data_technology": "VDSL2",
          "aggregated_carriertype": "Copper",
          "aggregated_data_technology": "VDSL",
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "6d"
        "additional_israpin": 3
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "30b8f9ba-7dd1-4626-aed5-a6a2541bc08d"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "2408ZE000060101",
          "port": "3",
          "tags": [],
          "vlan": 3,
          "q_in_q": true,
          "product": {
            "qos": "Premium",
            "area": null,
            "name": null,
            "active": true,
            "is_pvc": true,
            "upload": 10240,
            "quality": "PREMIUM",
            "download": 10240,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 257,
            "overbooking": 0,
            "service_type": 8710,
            "transport_instance": "TI-NEXT/2"
          "port_speed": "10Mb",
          "port_duplex": "half",
          "provisioning": {
            "enabled": true,
            "blocked": false,
            "ipvpn": "internet",
            "authentication": false,
            "username": "",
            "password": "bz3aahmmr9ts",
            "primary_ipv4": "",
            "routed_ipv4": [],
            "accesslist": null
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "contract_period": {
        "to": null,
        "from": null,
        "last_change": null
      "contract_duration": 24,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Romna",
          "uuid": "dadf835e-6c18-4cc5-8f2f-9b702fcae88a",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0656565656"
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": "7119168a-242d-4e6d-bd76-a885b9a16723",
        "action": "terminate",
        "state": "new"
    "document_after_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "Best Effort",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 606,
          "description": "KPNWBA Best Effort - Standard (Copper)"
        "order_date": "2021-07-28"
      "active": false,
      "address": {
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 6,
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "latitude": "52.1265736",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "longitude": "4.6533857",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "2408ZE000060100",
        "tags": [],
        "israpin": 3,
        "product": {
          "area": null,
          "name": "DLM-WN/Copper_only/VDSL2_POTS/NLS1_ZTL",
          "active": true,
          "maxnls": 1,
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": "NLS1",
          "distance": null,
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 118,
          "test_label": false,
          "carriertype": "Copper_only",
          "channel_type": "Ethernet",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "POTS",
          "data_technology": "VDSL2",
          "aggregated_carriertype": "Copper",
          "aggregated_data_technology": "VDSL",
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "6d"
        "additional_israpin": 3
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "30b8f9ba-7dd1-4626-aed5-a6a2541bc08d"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "2408ZE000060101",
          "port": "3",
          "tags": [],
          "vlan": 3,
          "q_in_q": true,
          "product": {
            "qos": "Premium",
            "area": null,
            "name": null,
            "active": true,
            "is_pvc": true,
            "upload": 10240,
            "quality": "PREMIUM",
            "download": 10240,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 257,
            "overbooking": 0,
            "service_type": 8710,
            "transport_instance": "TI-NEXT/2"
          "port_speed": "10Mb",
          "port_duplex": "half",
          "provisioning": {
            "ipvpn": "internet",
            "authentication": false
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": null,
        "state": null,
        "action": null
      "contract_period": {
        "to": null,
        "from": null,
        "last_change": null
      "contract_duration": 24,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Neo",
          "uuid": "dadf835e-6c18-4cc5-8f2f-9b702fcae88a",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0656565656"
permission needed: #broadband-ordering-r
Since v1.24.0

Get a broadband transaction.

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string

Reply params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
uuid string
action enum Enum options:
. undefined
open boolean
state enum Enum options:
. undefined
last_updated string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
sitesurvey_plan_date string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_plan_date null, one of
sitesurvey_date_replan boolean, null
sitesurvey_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_executed_date null, one of
sitesurvey_document string, null
internalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_plan_date null, one of
internalworks_date_replan boolean, null
internalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_executed_date null, one of
externalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_plan_date null, one of
externalworks_date_replan boolean, null
externalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_executed_date null, one of
expected_completion_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date null, one of
expected_completion_date_delayed string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date_delayed null, one of
expected_completion_date_is_forecast boolean, null
expected_completion_date_replan boolean, null
customer_wish_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
customer_wish_date null, one of
customer_wish_date_replan boolean, null
cancelled_by string, null
cancel_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cancel_date null, one of
cancel_reason string, null
cancel_possible boolean
replan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
replan_date null, one of
replan_requested boolean
cleanorder_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cleanorder_executed_date null, one of
created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
cancel_requested boolean, null
document_before_transaction null, object
document_after_transaction null, object
document null, object
ftu_count null, integer
appointment_url string, null
replan_possible boolean
is_complex boolean, null
is_realtime boolean, null
closed_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
closed_at null, one of
on_demand boolean
on_demand_requested boolean
ont_registration boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_transaction",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "3b5695fa17294d85b5481d4a5814af71"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "3b5695fa17294d85b5481d4a5814af71",
    "nid": "1058TM000610100",
    "action": "new",
    "state": "finished",
    "open": false,
    "created_at": "2020-11-18T19:22:28Z",
    "last_updated": "2021-01-11T17:03:05Z",
    "expected_completion_date": "2019-07-12",
    "document_after_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "Best Effort SLA",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 606,
          "description": "KPNWBA Best Effort - Standard (Copper)"
        "order_date": "2020-03-22"
      "active": true,
      "address": {
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "street": "Westlandgracht",
        "housenr": 61,
        "zipcode": "1058TM",
        "latitude": "52.3536089",
        "province": "Noord-Holland",
        "longitude": "4.8461436",
        "housenrext": "2",
        "municipality": "Amsterdam"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "1058TM000610100",
        "tags": [
          "company=Teun Ouwehand thuis"
        "product": {
          "area": null,
          "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GPON/MIGRATE_FTTH",
          "active": true,
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": "FMIGRATE",
          "distance": null,
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 774,
          "test_label": false,
          "carriertype": "Fiber",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "FttH",
          "data_technology": "GPON",
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "18d"
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "a64889f7-63ea-4c1c-8ccb-ec28904496a7"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "1058TM000610101",
          "tags": [
          "vlan": "6",
          "product": {
            "qos": "Best Effort",
            "area": null,
            "name": null,
            "active": true,
            "is_pvc": true,
            "upload": 30720,
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "download": 102400,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 755,
            "overbooking": 0,
            "service_type": 8419,
            "transport_instance": "TI-NEXT/1",
            "waiting_for_kpnwba_rectification": false
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
          "nid": "1058TM000610102",
          "tags": [],
          "vlan": "7",
          "product": {
            "qos": "Premium",
            "area": null,
            "name": null,
            "active": true,
            "is_pvc": true,
            "upload": 256,
            "quality": "PREMIUM",
            "download": 256,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 332,
            "overbooking": 0,
            "service_type": 8608,
            "transport_instance": "TI-NEXT/2",
            "waiting_for_kpnwba_rectification": false
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "contract_period": {
        "to": "2021-03-22",
        "from": "2019-07-12",
        "last_change": "2020-03-22"
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Teun Ouwehand",
          "uuid": "e002820611584a3f830efe56c62dfe46",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0628020604"
      "on_demand": false,
      "on_demand_requested": false
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.20.0

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string

Reply params
Name Type Description
profile object
    id integer
    uuid string
    customer_id integer
    type string
    name string
    is_active boolean
    description string
    vrf string
    default boolean
    ipv4_loopback string, null
    ipv6_loopback string, null
    radius_managed boolean, null
    radius_shortname string, null
    radius_authentication boolean, null
    radius_secret string, null
    radius_server1 string, null
    radius_server2 string, null
    l2tp_lac_id string, null
    l2tp_lns_ipaddresses string, null
    l2tp_tunnel_password string, null
    max_number_of_entries_in_accesslist integer
    ipsubnetgroups array
    ipsubnetgroups[#] object
        uuid string
        description string
        cherry_picking boolean
        ipv4_exhaust_check_enabled boolean
        ipv4_exhaust_threshold_value integer
        ipv4_invoicing boolean
        ipv6_exhaust_check_enabled boolean
        ipv6_exhaust_threshold_value integer
        ipv6_invoicing boolean
        priority integer
    abacus_pricing_plan_override_uuid string, null
    is_available_for_mobile_broadband boolean
    is_available_for_broadband boolean
    is_mobile_broadband_entry_apn_profile boolean
    override_upstream_vrf string, null
    override_redundancy_l2tp_lac_id string, null
    routing_entries_are_hidden boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_profile",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999"
Reply example
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "ipvpn": {
      "uuid": "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999",
      "name": "internet",
      "vrf": "vpn01-internet",
      "type": "ppp",
      "default": true,
      "radius_managed": true,
      "radius_server1": "",
      "radius_server2": "",
      "radius_secret": "",
      "radius_authentication": false,
      "l2tp_lac_id": null,
      "l2tp_lns_ipaddresses": null,
      "l2tp_tunnel_password": null,
      "max_number_of_entries_in_accesslist": 3,
      "ipv4_enabled": true,
      "ipv4_default": true,
      "ipv4_loopback": "Loopback3012",
      "ipv4_dns1": "",
      "ipv4_dns2": "",
      "ipv4_ppp_default_subnetsize": 32,
      "ipv4_ppp_max_subnetsize": 30,
      "ipv4_ppp_min_subnetsize": 32,
      "ipv4_static_default_subnetsize": 30,
      "ipv4_static_max_subnetsize": 30,
      "ipv4_static_min_subnetsize": 30,
      "ipv6_enabled": false,
      "ipv6_default": false,
      "ipv6_loopback": "Loopback3013",
      "ipv6_dns1": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
      "ipv6_dns2": "2001:4860:4860::8844",
      "ipv6_ppp_default_subnetsize": 48,
      "ipv6_ppp_max_subnetsize": 48,
      "ipv6_ppp_min_subnetsize": 48,
      "ipv6_static_default_subnetsize": 48,
      "ipv6_static_max_subnetsize": 48,
      "ipv6_static_min_subnetsize": 48,
      "ipsubnetgroups": [
          "uuid": "88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888",
          "description": "Shared",
          "cherry_picking": false,
          "ipv4_exhaust_check_enabled": true,
          "ipv4_exhaust_threshold_value": 16,
          "ipv6_exhaust_check_enabled": false,
          "ipv6_exhaust_threshold_value": 8,
          "priority": 1
          "uuid": "77777777-7777-7777-7777-777777777777",
          "description": "Customer Specific Group",
          "cherry_picking": false,
          "ipv4_exhaust_check_enabled": false,
          "ipv4_exhaust_threshold_value": 8,
          "ipv6_exhaust_check_enabled": false,
          "ipv6_exhaust_threshold_value": 8,
          "priority": 2
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.32.0

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string

Reply params
Name Type Description
Carrier array
Carrier[#] string
Circuit array
Circuit[#] string
SLA array
SLA[#] string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_change_summary",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "b62e2d5f-c5ce-4e77-bb08-84538de3db09"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "Carrier": [
      "De technologie op de carrier is veranderd van <b>VVDSL2</b> naar <b>ADSL2+</b>"
    "Circuit": [
      "De bandbreedte is veranderd van <b>100 Mb/30 Mb</b> naar <b>20 Mb/1 Mb</b>"
    "SLA": []
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.17.0

Show realm's of the current logedin user's company.

Request params
This method expects an empty object as input:

Reply params
Name Type Description
realm array
realm[#] object
    id integer
    name string
    default boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_auth_realms",
  "params": {}
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "realm": [
        "uuid": "2cfa5cb5-b25e-43df-b223-6cc0b900994d",
        "default": true,
        "realm_name": "",
        "id": 1
        "uuid": "2739656d-3c65-479d-8fd4-3d9db44f36be",
        "default": false,
        "realm_name": "",
        "id": 2
  "id": 1
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.24.0

List all broadband connections. Supports pagination, sorting and filtering.

Request params
Name Type Description
pagination object Used to limit the amount of items returned.
    per_page integer Amount of items per page. '0' means 'all' on some endpoints.
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
filter object Select relevant connections by using one or more of the filter properties.
    nid string Connection (carrier/circuit) nid
    carrier_nid string Connection carrier nid
    circuit_nid string Connection circuit nid
    carrier_tags string Connection carrier tag
    circuit_tags string Connection circuit tag
    state array The status of the broadband connections must have one of the given values.
    state[#] enum Enum options:
. undefined
    street string Select connections where (part of) the street name matches the given value.
    housenr string Select connections where (part of) the house number matches the given value.
    housenrext string Select connections where (part of) the house number extension matches the given value.
    zipcode string Select connections where (part of) the zipcode matches the given value.
    city string Select connections where (part of) the city name matches the given value.
    auth_user string Select connections where (part of) the RADIUS user name matches the given value.
    ipv4 string Select connections where (part of) the IPv4 address matches the given value.
    sla string Select connections where (part of) the SLA name matches the given value.
    supplier string Select connections where (part of) the supplier name matches the given value.
    base_technology string Select connections where (part of) the base technology name matches the given value.
    data_technology string Select connections where (part of) the data technology name matches the given value.
    online enum Enum options:
. Select connections where the online status matches one or more of the array elements.
    active boolean Select connections which are administratively active.
    username string Select connections which username (login or authentication username)
    ip string Check if IP equal last_ipv4 or present in one of the IP range: primary_ipv4, routed_ipv4
    serviceid string Search on KPNWBA serviceid.
    enduser_uuid string Filter on enduser UUID.
    has_end_of_life_date boolean Select connections with an end of life date set.
    end_of_life_date string Regex:
. Prefix filter on end of life date.
    end_of_life_reason string
sort object
    state enum Enum options:
. undefined
    street enum Enum options:
. undefined
    housenr enum Enum options:
. undefined
    housenrext enum Enum options:
. undefined
    zipcode enum Enum options:
. undefined
    city enum Enum options:
. undefined
    primary_ipv4 enum Enum options:
. undefined
    sla enum Enum options:
. undefined
    supplier enum Enum options:
. undefined
    base_technology enum Enum options:
. undefined
    data_technology enum Enum options:
. undefined
    active enum Enum options:
. undefined
    online enum Enum options:
. undefined
    end_of_life_date enum Enum options:
. undefined
    last_username enum Enum options:
. undefined

Reply params
Name Type Description
connections array
connections[#] object
    sla object
        order_date string Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
        product object
            name string
            supplier string
            product_id integer
            description string
    active boolean
    address object A complete address with province, municipality, latitude and longitude.
        zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
        housenr number The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
        housenrext string, null House number suffix.
        street string, null The street name.
        city string, null The city name.
        province string, null
        municipality string, null
        latitude string, null
        longitude string, null
    carrier object
        nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
        tags array
        tags[#] string
        product object
            area string, null A string or no value at all.
            name string
            upload integer, null An integer or no value at all.
            nlstype string, null A string or no value at all.
            maxnls integer, null An integer or no value at all.
            distance string, null A string or no value at all.
            download integer, null An integer or no value at all.
            supplier string
            network string
            product_id integer
            test_label boolean, null
            carriertype enum Enum options:
. Defines the physical medium for internet access and whether the medium is shared with other (voice) services. FttH and FttO are both Fiber connections with other parameters.
            copper_pairs integer, null An integer or no value at all.
            base_technology string, null A string or no value at all.
            data_technology string, null A string or no value at all.
            channel_type string, null
            ont_registration boolean
            aggregated_carriertype string, null
            aggregated_data_technology string, null
            netcode_id integer, null
            slas array
            circuits array
            on_demand boolean
        contract_duration integer
        provider_order_number string, null A string or no value at all.
        upstream_billing_date string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
        upstream_billing_date null, one of
        israspecs string, null A string or no value at all.
        israpin integer, null
        additional_israpin integer, null
        servicegroup string, null
        serviceid string, null
        additional_serviceid string, null
        fiber_terminationpoint_id string, null
        ftu_type string, null
        ftu_count integer, null
        ont_number string, null
        distribution_frame string, null
    enduser object
        uuid string
    circuits array
    circuits[#] object
        nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
        tags array
        tags[#] string
        vlan integer, string, null
        port string
        q_in_q boolean
        product object
            active boolean
            is_pvc boolean
            area string, null A string or no value at all.
            qos string, null A string or no value at all.
            name string, null A string or no value at all.
            upload integer, null An integer or no value at all.
            quality string, null A string or no value at all.
            download integer, null An integer or no value at all.
            supplier string
            product_id integer
            overbooking integer, null An integer or no value at all.
        nni_vlan integer, null An integer or no value at all.
        port_speed string, null
        port_duplex string, null
        provisioning object, any of Provisioning response for provisioning type vlan
            enabled boolean
        provisioning object, any of Provisioning response for provisioning type l2tp
            enabled boolean
            ipvpn string, null A string or no value at all.
            blocked boolean
        provisioning object, any of Provisioning response for radius managed provisioning type ppp
            enabled boolean
            ipvpn string, null A string or no value at all.
            blocked boolean
            accesslist string, null Regex:
            authentication boolean
            username string, null
            password string, null
            primary_ipv4 string Regex:
. The IPv4 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
            routed_ipv4 array
            routed_ipv4[#] string Regex:
. The IPv4 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
        provisioning object, any of Provisioning response for non radius managed provisioning type ppp
            enabled boolean
            ipvpn string, null A string or no value at all.
            blocked boolean
        provisioning object, any of Provisioning response for provisioning type static
            enabled boolean
            ipvpn string, null A string or no value at all.
            blocked boolean
            accesslist string, null Regex:
            primary_ipv4 string Regex:
. The IPv4 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
            routed_ipv4 array
            routed_ipv4[#] string Regex:
. The IPv4 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
        provisioning_type string, null
        provider_order_number string, null A string or no value at all.
        customer_connection_tag string, null A string or no value at all.
    supplier string
    contract_period object
        to string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
        to null, one of
        from string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
        from null, one of
        last_change string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
        last_change null, one of
        end_of_life_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
        end_of_life_date null, one of
        end_of_life_reason string, null A string or no value at all.
    contract_duration integer
    location_contacts array
    location_contacts[#] object
        name string
        uuid string
        email string, null Regex:
        primary boolean
        phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
    transaction object
        uuid string, null A string or no value at all.
        action string, null A string or no value at all.
        state string, null A string or no value at all.
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a (next|previous)_page returns null, the (next|previous)page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
    count integer, null An integer or no value at all.
Filter with full NID (full NID does not use cache)
Normal prefix filter + pagination
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_connections",
  "params": {
    "filter": {
      "nid": "2408ZE000100100"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "connections": [
        "sla": {
          "product": {
            "name": "Gold SLA",
            "supplier": "ODIDO",
            "product_id": 752,
            "description": "ODIDO Gold"
          "order_date": "2020-11-26"
        "active": true,
        "address": {
          "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
          "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
          "housenr": 1,
          "zipcode": "2408ZE",
          "latitude": "52.1266179",
          "province": "Zuid-Holland",
          "longitude": "4.654452",
          "housenrext": "",
          "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
        "carrier": {
          "nid": "2408ZE000010100",
          "tags": [],
          "product": {
            "area": null,
            "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GoF_FTTH/NLS6",
            "maxnls": 6,
            "upload": null,
            "network": "KPNWBA",
            "nlstype": "NLS6",
            "distance": null,
            "download": null,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "netcode_id": null,
            "product_id": 638,
            "test_label": false,
            "carriertype": "Fiber",
            "channel_type": "Ethernet",
            "copper_pairs": 1,
            "base_technology": "FttH",
            "data_technology": "GoF",
            "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
            "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber"
        "enduser": {
          "uuid": "17a0ac8b-c6ae-4a2d-aa97-2554244ae6ac"
        "circuits": [
            "nid": "2408ZE000010101",
            "port": "12",
            "tags": [],
            "vlan": 12,
            "q_in_q": true,
            "product": {
              "qos": null,
              "name": "Premium circuit 1Mb (Metro)",
              "upload": 1024,
              "quality": "PREMIUM",
              "download": 1024,
              "supplier": "ODIDO",
              "product_id": 711,
              "overbooking": null
            "port_speed": "10Mb",
            "port_duplex": "half",
            "provisioning": {
              "enabled": true,
              "blocked": false,
              "ipvpn": "internet",
              "authentication": false,
              "username": "",
              "password": "9pgxtf8xt364",
              "primary_ipv4": "",
              "routed_ipv4": [],
              "accesslist": null
            "provisioning_type": "ppp"
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "contract_period": {
          "to": null,
          "from": null,
          "last_change": null
        "contract_duration": 12,
        "location_contacts": [
            "name": "Roman",
            "uuid": "81d6388d-0209-44a7-9f5d-d875f7f47bf0",
            "email": null,
            "primary": true,
            "phonenumber": "0646464643"
        "transaction": {
          "uuid": null,
          "action": null,
          "state": null
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_connections",
  "params": {
    "pagination": {
      "per_page": 2,
      "page": 1
    "filter": {
      "zipcode": "2408ZE"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "connections": [
        "sla": {
          "product": {
            "name": "Gold SLA",
            "supplier": "ODIDO",
            "product_id": 752,
            "description": "ODIDO Gold"
          "order_date": "2020-11-26"
        "active": true,
        "address": {
          "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
          "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
          "housenr": 1,
          "zipcode": "2408ZE",
          "latitude": "52.1266179",
          "province": "Zuid-Holland",
          "longitude": "4.654452",
          "housenrext": "",
          "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
        "carrier": {
          "nid": "2408ZE000010100",
          "tags": [],
          "product": {
            "upload": 1024000,
            "base_technology": "Fiber",
            "network": "ODIDO",
            "copper_pairs": null,
            "data_technology": null,
            "nlstype": null,
            "maxnls": null,
            "test_label": null,
            "distance": "1-Onnet",
            "product_id": 674,
            "channel_type": "Ethernet",
            "area": null,
            "supplier": "ODIDO",
            "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
            "netcode_id": 1,
            "download": 1024000,
            "name": "Fiber (1-Onnet)",
            "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
            "carriertype": "Fiber"
        "enduser": {
          "uuid": "17a0ac8b-c6ae-4a2d-aa97-2554244ae6ac"
        "circuits": [
            "nid": "2408ZE000010101",
            "port": "12",
            "tags": [],
            "vlan": 12,
            "q_in_q": true,
            "product": {
              "qos": null,
              "name": "Premium circuit 1Mb (Metro)",
              "upload": 1024,
              "quality": "PREMIUM",
              "download": 1024,
              "supplier": "ODIDO",
              "product_id": 711,
              "overbooking": null
            "port_speed": "10Mb",
            "port_duplex": "half",
            "provisioning": {
              "enabled": true,
              "blocked": false,
              "ipvpn": "internet",
              "authentication": false,
              "username": "",
              "password": "9pgxtf8xt364",
              "primary_ipv4": "",
              "routed_ipv4": [],
              "accesslist": null
            "provisioning_type": "ppp"
        "supplier": "ODIDO",
        "contract_period": {
          "to": null,
          "from": null,
          "last_change": null
        "contract_duration": 12,
        "location_contacts": [
            "name": "Roman",
            "uuid": "81d6388d-0209-44a7-9f5d-d875f7f47bf0",
            "email": null,
            "primary": true,
            "phonenumber": "0646464643"
        "transaction": {
          "uuid": null,
          "action": null,
          "state": null
        "sla": {
          "product": {
            "name": "Best Effort SLA",
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 758,
            "description": "KPNWBA Best Effort - Standard (FTT[H/O])"
          "order_date": "2020-04-02"
        "active": true,
        "address": {
          "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
          "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
          "housenr": 10,
          "zipcode": "2408ZE",
          "latitude": "52.1266051",
          "province": "Zuid-Holland",
          "longitude": "4.6533684",
          "housenrext": "A",
          "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
        "carrier": {
          "nid": "2408ZE000100200",
          "tags": [
          "product": {
            "upload": null,
            "base_technology": "FttH",
            "network": "KPNWBA",
            "copper_pairs": 1,
            "data_technology": "GoF",
            "nlstype": "NLS6",
            "maxnls": 6,
            "test_label": false,
            "distance": null,
            "product_id": 638,
            "channel_type": "Ethernet",
            "area": null,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "aggregated_data_technology": "Fiber",
            "netcode_id": null,
            "download": null,
            "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GoF_FTTH/NLS6",
            "aggregated_carriertype": "Fiber",
            "carriertype": "Fiber"
        "enduser": {
          "uuid": "c0225608-3ce0-4f9d-a1a6-0e33599c8290"
        "circuits": [
            "nid": "2408ZE000100201",
            "tags": [],
            "vlan": 6,
            "product": {
              "qos": "Best Effort",
              "name": null,
              "upload": 100000,
              "quality": "REGULAR",
              "download": 100000,
              "supplier": "KPNWBA",
              "product_id": 279,
              "overbooking": 0
            "provisioning_type": "ppp"
            "nid": "2408ZE000100202",
            "tags": [],
            "vlan": 7,
            "product": {
              "qos": "Best Effort",
              "name": null,
              "upload": 100000,
              "quality": "REGULAR",
              "download": 100000,
              "supplier": "KPNWBA",
              "product_id": 279,
              "overbooking": 0
            "provisioning_type": "ppp",
            "last_ipv4": "",
            "last_username": "",
            "online": "offline"
        "supplier": "KPNWBA",
        "contract_period": {
          "to": "2021-04-02",
          "from": "2015-08-07",
          "last_change": "2020-04-02"
        "contract_duration": 12,
        "location_contacts": [
            "name": "support",
            "uuid": "a0fc489ce76845e2becaeef240230fea",
            "email": null,
            "primary": true,
            "phonenumber": "0793317414"
        "transaction": {
          "uuid": "506f6779-c042-4df9-a421-c50760f8e94b",
          "action": "change",
          "state": "processing"
    "pagination": {
      "previous_page": null,
      "next_page": 2,
      "per_page": 2,
      "count": 4
permission needed: #broadband-c
Since v1.30.0

Returns available slas products

Request params
Name Type Description
ont_number string
nid string

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "change_ont",
  "params": {
    "ont_number": "GNX012E1234",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.30.0

Change a connection's location contact details

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string
contact_name string
contact_phonenumber string
contact_email string, null Regex:

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "change_contact",
  "params": {
    "contact_name": "Teun Ouwehand",
    "contact_email": "",
    "contact_phonenumber": "0612345678",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.20.0

Lists events

Request params
Name Type Description
filter object
    uuid string, one of
    nid string, null, one of Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
    transaction_uuid string, one of
    type string, one of
    is_audit_event boolean, one of
pagination object Used to limit the amount of items returned.
    per_page integer Amount of items per page. '0' means 'all' on some endpoints.
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.

Reply params
Name Type Description
events array
events[#] object
    id integer
    uuid string
    type enum Enum options:
. Enum containing all possible event types.
    cid string, null A string or no value at all.
    nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
    transaction_uuid string, null A string or no value at all.
    method string, null A string or no value at all.
    request object, null
    username string, null A string or no value at all.
    recipient string, null A string or no value at all.
    action string, null A string or no value at all.
    response object, string, null
    created_at string
    transaction_action string, null
    notifications array
    notifications[#] object
        recipient string
    attachment object, null
        url string
    event_properties null, object
        warning_messages string
        error_messages string
        order_note string
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a (next|previous)_page returns null, the (next|previous)page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
    count integer, null An integer or no value at all.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_events",
  "params": {
    "filter": {
      "nid": "2408ZE000100200"
Reply example
  "result": {
    "events": [
        "uuid": "0e71dc30-62fd-11ec-a664-111111111111",
        "action": null,
        "request": {
          "custwishdate": null,
          "contact_name": "Teun Ouwehand",
          "cpe": [],
          "zipcode": "2408ZE",
          "additional_contact_phonenumber": null,
          "contact_phonenumber": "0887775200",
          "confirm": {
            "Terminate Voice": false
          "company": "Nextpertise",
          "requested_phonenumber": null,
          "serviceid": "",
          "circuit": [
              "circuit": 272,
              "vlan": 6
          "housenrext": "",
          "contract_duration": 12,
          "isra": "001//MTK/METERKAST",
          "carrier": 118,
          "housenr": 10,
          "tags": [],
          "sla": 606
        "created_at": "2020-04-15T11:49:55",
        "recipient": null,
        "method": "broadband.order_connection",
        "cid": "83d71d5d-e07c-4061-8f8e-5a3b91a31a14",
        "type": "apirequest",
        "nid": "2408ZE000100200",
        "username": "",
        "response": {
          "orderid": "2408ZE000100200"
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.20.0

Request params
Name Type Description
circuit_nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.

Reply params
Name Type Description
accesslists array
accesslists[#] string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_accesslists",
  "params": {}
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "accesslists": [
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.20.0

Overview of profiles, ipsubnets, reservations and dns settings of the current user's company. Shared ip pools are returned with limited information.

Request params
Name Type Description
filter object
    is_available_for_broadband boolean
    is_available_for_mobile_broadband boolean

Reply params
Name Type Description
profiles array
profiles[#] object
    uuid string
    name string
    vrf string
    default boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_profiles",
  "params": {}
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "profiles": [
        "uuid": "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999",
        "name": "internet",
        "vrf": "vpn01-internet",
        "default": true
        "uuid": "88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888",
        "vrf": "vpn05-failover",
        "name": "vpn05-failover",
        "default": false
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.16.0

Request params
This method expects an empty object as input:

Reply params
Name Type Description
providers array
providers[#] string
Request example
Reply example
  "providers": [
permission needed: #broadband-ordering-r
Since v1.24.0

List all broadband transactions. Supports pagination, sorting and filtering.

Request params
Name Type Description
pagination object Used to limit the amount of transactions returned.
    per_page integer Amount of transactions per page (request).
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
filter object Filter transactions. The key is the column and the value is your search.
    uuid string
    nid string
    action enum Enum options:
. undefined
    open boolean
    state enum Enum options:
. undefined
    last_updated string
    sitesurvey_plan_date string
    sitesurvey_date_replan boolean, null
    expected_completion_date string
    expected_completion_date_is_forecast boolean, null
    expected_completion_date_replan boolean, null
    expected_completion_date_delayed string
    permit string, null
    cancel_reason string
    cancelled_by string, null
    ftu_count integer
    appointment_url string, null
    enduser string
sort object Sort transactions. By default, transactions are sorted in order of creation.
    uuid enum Enum options:
. undefined
    nid enum Enum options:
. undefined
    action enum Enum options:
. undefined
    open enum Enum options:
. undefined
    state enum Enum options:
. undefined
    last_updated enum Enum options:
. undefined
    sitesurvey_plan_date enum Enum options:
. undefined
    sitesurvey_date_replan enum Enum options:
. undefined
    expected_completion_date enum Enum options:
. undefined
    expected_completion_date_is_forecast enum Enum options:
. undefined
    expected_completion_date_replan enum Enum options:
. undefined
    expected_completion_date_delayed enum Enum options:
. undefined
    permit enum Enum options:
. undefined
    cancel_reason enum Enum options:
. undefined
    cancelled_by enum Enum options:
. undefined
    ftu_count enum Enum options:
. undefined
    appointment_url enum Enum options:
. undefined
document array If given, adds the document. Keys added to the list will be extended in the document. Supported keys: 'enduser'
document[#] string

Reply params
Name Type Description
transactions array The transaction list
transactions[#] object
    nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
    uuid string
    action enum Enum options:
. undefined
    open boolean
    state enum Enum options:
. undefined
    last_updated string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    sitesurvey_plan_date string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    sitesurvey_plan_date null, one of
    sitesurvey_date_replan boolean, null
    sitesurvey_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    sitesurvey_executed_date null, one of
    sitesurvey_document string, null
    internalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    internalworks_plan_date null, one of
    internalworks_date_replan boolean, null
    internalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    internalworks_executed_date null, one of
    externalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    externalworks_plan_date null, one of
    externalworks_date_replan boolean, null
    externalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    externalworks_executed_date null, one of
    expected_completion_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    expected_completion_date null, one of
    expected_completion_date_delayed string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    expected_completion_date_delayed null, one of
    expected_completion_date_is_forecast boolean, null
    expected_completion_date_replan boolean, null
    customer_wish_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    customer_wish_date null, one of
    customer_wish_date_replan boolean, null
    cancelled_by string, null
    cancel_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    cancel_date null, one of
    cancel_reason string, null
    cancel_possible boolean
    replan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    replan_date null, one of
    replan_requested boolean
    cleanorder_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
    cleanorder_executed_date null, one of
    created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    cancel_requested boolean, null
    document_before_transaction null, object
    document_after_transaction null, object
    document null, object
    ftu_count null, integer
    appointment_url string, null
    replan_possible boolean
    is_complex boolean, null
    is_realtime boolean, null
    closed_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    closed_at null, one of
    on_demand boolean
    on_demand_requested boolean
    ont_registration boolean
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a (next|prev)_page returns null, the page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
    count integer, null An integer or no value at all.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_transactions",
  "params": {
    "pagination": {
      "per_page": 50,
      "page": 1
    "sort": {
      "nid": "DESC"
    "filter": {
      "action": "new"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "transactions": [
        "uuid": "0b01c0f6-ec1c-436d-a8fc-ccc0793d86c3",
        "nid": "3901KV000210300",
        "action": "new",
        "state": "finished",
        "open": false,
        "last_updated": "2020-07-14T14:21:39Z",
        "created_at": "2020-01-14T14:27:52Z",
        "sitesurvey_plan_date": "2020-04-29",
        "expected_completion_date": "2020-06-29",
        "expected_completion_date_is_forecast": true,
        "expected_completion_date_replan": true,
        "cancelled_by": null,
        "cancel_date": null,
        "cancel_reason": null,
        "cancel_requested": false
        "uuid": "547f7ca0-c788-455a-8adc-b7f370f372f3",
        "nid": "3901KV000210200",
        "action": "new",
        "state": "finished",
        "open": false,
        "last_updated": "2020-07-14T14:09:37Z",
        "created_at": "2020-03-14T14:27:52Z",
        "sitesurvey_plan_date": "2020-05-06",
        "sitesurvey_date_replan": null,
        "sitesurvey_document": null,
        "expected_completion_date": null,
        "expected_completion_date_is_forecast": null,
        "expected_completion_date_replan": null,
        "cancelled_by": null,
        "cancel_date": null,
        "cancel_reason": null,
        "cancel_requested": false
        "uuid": "831a3ff2-b869-4407-8762-4d104c5fb93e",
        "nid": "3901KV000210100",
        "action": "new",
        "state": "new",
        "open": true,
        "last_updated": "2020-07-14T14:08:26Z",
        "created_at": "2020-07-14T14:01:52Z",
        "sitesurvey_plan_date": "2020-05-06",
        "sitesurvey_date_replan": null,
        "sitesurvey_document": null,
        "expected_completion_date": null,
        "expected_completion_date_is_forecast": null,
        "expected_completion_date_replan": null,
        "cancelled_by": null,
        "cancel_date": null,
        "cancel_reason": null,
        "cancel_requested": false
    "pagination": {
      "count": 3,
      "per_page": 50,
      "next_page": null,
      "prev_page": null
permission needed: #broadband-c
Since v1.20.0

Request params
Name Type Description
circuit_nid_src string
circuit_nid_dst string

Reply params
Name Type Description
provisioning object
    enabled boolean
    ipvpn string, null A string or no value at all.
    blocked boolean
    authentication boolean
    username string
    password string
    routed_ipv4 array
    routed_ipv4[#] string
    accesslist string, null Regex:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "migrate_provisioning",
  "params": {
    "circuit_nid_src": "2408ZE000020101",
    "circuit_nid_dst": "1024MB000160101"
Reply example
  "result": {
    "provisioning": {
      "username": "",
      "primary_ipv4": "",
      "accesslist": null,
      "enabled": true,
      "routed_ipv4": [
      "authentication": false,
      "ipvpn": "vpn01-internet",
      "password": "secret01",
      "blocked": false
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1
permission needed: #broadband-ordering-c
Since v1.10.0

Order a connection consisting of a carrier, one or more circuits and an SLA

Request params
Name Type Description
zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
housenr number The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
housenrext string, null House number suffix.
isra string, null Regex:
^[0-9a-zA-Z/(). -_?]*$
. Copy from the `connectionpoint` name off the :doc:`../broadband/zipcode` reply.
carrier integer Identifies an individual product by numeric id.
circuit array
circuit[#] object
    circuit integer Identifies an individual product by numeric id.
    tags array
    tags[#] string Regex:
    vlan integer
    vci integer
    vpi integer
sla null, one of
sla integer, one of Identifies an individual product by numeric id.
cpe array
cpe[#] integer, one of Identifies an individual product by numeric id.
tags array
tags[#] string Regex:
enduser object
    uuid string
contact_name string
contact_phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
contact_email string, null Regex:
contract_duration integer
additional_contact_phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
confirm object
    Terminate Voice boolean
custwishdate string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
custwishdate null, one of
requested_phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
serviceid null, string Service label, matches the carrier's nid when the service is provided by Nextpertise.
shipping_address object
    zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
    housenr number The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
    housenrext string, null House number suffix.
    street string, null The street name.
    city string, null The city name.
    name string
    company string

Reply params
Name Type Description
errorcode integer
commentcode string
orderid string
transaction_uuid string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "order_connection",
  "params": {
    "zipcode": "2408ZE",
    "housenr": 9,
    "circuit": [
        "circuit": 272,
        "vlan": 6
    "isra": "0/8/MTK/METERKAST",
    "serviceid": "",
    "requested_phonenumber": null,
    "carrier": 633,
    "cpe": [],
    "enduser": {
      "uuid": "abcde900-08e4-4d95-8793-8083660ea700"
    "contact_phonenumber": "0101234567",
    "additional_contact_phonenumber": null,
    "contact_name": "Mrs. Your Client",
    "sla": 606,
    "contract_duration": 12,
    "custwishdate": null,
    "tags": [],
    "confirm": {
      "Terminate Voice": false
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "orderid": "2408ZE000090100"
permission needed: #broadband-c

Replan order

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string
custwishdate string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
custwishdate null, one of

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "replan_transaction",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "ce850b8d-1188-49fc-bfb0-5247bf0770a4",
    "custwishdate": "2020-04-23"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {},
  "id": 1
permission needed: #broadband-c

Request params
Name Type Description
name string, null Regex:
circuit_nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
vpn string
accesslist string
default boolean

Reply params
Name Type Description
name string, null Regex:
circuit_nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
vpn string
accesslist string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "set_accesslist",
  "params": {
    "accesslist": "deny egress\nallow egress\nallow egress",
    "name": "test5",
    "vpn": "voice"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "name": "test5",
    "circuit_nid": null,
    "vpn": "voice",
    "accesslist": "deny egress\nallow egress\nallow egress"
permission needed: #broadband-c

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
enduser object
    uuid string, null

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "set_enduser",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
    "enduser": {
      "uuid": "abcde123-0123-4abc-9876-012345678912"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {},
  "id": 1
permission needed: #broadband-c
Since v1.20.0

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
provisioning object
    enabled boolean
    ipvpn string
    blocked boolean
    authentication boolean
    username string
    password string
    enable_ipv4 boolean
    primary_ipv4 string Regex:
. The IPv4 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
    routed_ipv4 array
    routed_ipv4[#] string Regex:
. The IPv4 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
    enable_ipv6 boolean
    primary_ipv6 string Regex:
. The IPv6 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
    routed_ipv6 array
    routed_ipv6[#] string Regex:
. The IPv6 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
    accesslist string, null Regex:

Reply params
Name Type Description
provisioning object
    enabled boolean
    ipvpn string, null A string or no value at all.
    blocked boolean
    authentication boolean
    username string
    password string
    routed_ipv4 array
    routed_ipv4[#] string, any of Regex:
. The IPv4 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
    routed_ipv4[#] string, any of Regex:
. The IPv6 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
    routed_ipv6 array
    routed_ipv6[#] string, any of Regex:
. The IPv6 subnet assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
    accesslist string, null Regex:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "set_provisioning",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
    "provisioning": {
      "password": "secret01"
Reply example
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "provisioning": {
      "routed_ipv4": [
      "password": "secret01",
      "accesslist": null,
      "ipvpn": "internet",
      "enabled": true,
      "username": "",
      "authentication": false,
      "blocked": false,
      "primary_ipv4": ""
permission needed: #broadband-c
Since v1.12.0

Assign a set of tags to a product identified by an nid.

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
tags array
tags[#] string Regex:

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "set_tags",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100201",
    "tags": [
Reply example
  "id": 1,
  "result": {},
  "jsonrpc": "2.0"
Since v1.33.0

Request params
Name Type Description
names array
names[#] string

Reply params
Name Type Description
promos array
promos[#] object
    name string
    text string
    url string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_promos",
  "params": {
    "names": [
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "promos": [
        "name": "orderpage_smb",
        "text": "Zomeractie! | Tot 30 september Coolblue cadeausjes t.v.w. €50 per verbinding | Meer weten? Klik hier.",
        "url": ""
        "name": "orderpage_enterprise",
        "text": "Zomeractie! | Tot 30 september Coolblue cadeausjes t.v.w. €100 per verbinding | Meer weten? Klik hier.",
        "url": ""
permission needed: #broadband-ordering-d

Terminates RFS connection

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
custwishdate string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
custwishdate null, one of

Reply params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
uuid string
action enum Enum options:
. undefined
open boolean
state enum Enum options:
. undefined
last_updated string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
sitesurvey_plan_date string, null Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_plan_date null, one of
sitesurvey_date_replan boolean, null
sitesurvey_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
sitesurvey_executed_date null, one of
sitesurvey_document string, null
internalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_plan_date null, one of
internalworks_date_replan boolean, null
internalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
internalworks_executed_date null, one of
externalworks_plan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_plan_date null, one of
externalworks_date_replan boolean, null
externalworks_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
externalworks_executed_date null, one of
expected_completion_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date null, one of
expected_completion_date_delayed string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
expected_completion_date_delayed null, one of
expected_completion_date_is_forecast boolean, null
expected_completion_date_replan boolean, null
customer_wish_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
customer_wish_date null, one of
customer_wish_date_replan boolean, null
cancelled_by string, null
cancel_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cancel_date null, one of
cancel_reason string, null
cancel_possible boolean
replan_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
replan_date null, one of
replan_requested boolean
cleanorder_executed_date string, null, one of Regex:
. Date in international format YYYY-MM-DD
cleanorder_executed_date null, one of
created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
cancel_requested boolean, null
document_before_transaction null, object
document_after_transaction null, object
document null, object
ftu_count null, integer
appointment_url string, null
replan_possible boolean
is_complex boolean, null
is_realtime boolean, null
closed_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
closed_at null, one of
on_demand boolean
on_demand_requested boolean
ont_registration boolean
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "terminate_connection",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100101"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "1e9a6250-949c-4ce0-9d53-1f21b1b04a75",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
    "action": "terminate",
    "state": "processing",
    "open": true,
    "created_at": "2022-12-09T13:07:23Z",
    "last_updated": "2022-12-09T13:07:23Z",
    "cancel_possible": true,
    "document_before_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "24x7",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 759,
          "description": "Service Level Agreement FttH 7x24"
        "order_date": "2022-12-09"
      "active": true,
      "address": {
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 10,
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "latitude": "52.1266051",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "longitude": "4.6533684",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
        "tags": [],
        "product": {
          "area": "FttH",
          "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GPON/MIGRATE_FTTH",
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": "FMIGRATE",
          "distance": null,
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 774,
          "test_label": false,
          "carriertype": "Fiber",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "FttH",
          "data_technology": "GPON"
        "ftu_type": "FTU_TK01",
        "serviceid": "REF63627",
        "additional_serviceid": null
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "0a12badc-23a9-475b-9941-118b04f8ccfd"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
          "vlan": 6,
          "product": {
            "qos": "Best Effort",
            "name": "Regular circuit 100Mb",
            "upload": 100000,
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "download": 100000,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 279,
            "overbooking": 0
          "provisioning": {
            "enabled": true,
            "blocked": false,
            "ipvpn": "internet",
            "authentication": false,
            "username": "",
            "password": "secret",
            "enable_ipv4": true,
            "primary_ipv4": "",
            "routed_ipv4": [],
            "enable_ipv6": true,
            "primary_ipv6": null,
            "routed_ipv6": [],
            "accesslist": null
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "contract_period": {
        "to": "2023-12-09",
        "from": "2022-12-09",
        "last_change": "2022-12-09"
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Teun Ouwehand",
          "uuid": "88f8f712-bab1-472c-8688-03b7e0ce316f",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0612345678"
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": "1e9a6250-949c-4ce0-9d53-1f21b1b04a75",
        "action": "terminate",
        "state": "processing"
    "document_after_transaction": {
      "sla": {
        "product": {
          "name": "24x7",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 759,
          "description": "Service Level Agreement FttH 7x24"
        "order_date": "2022-12-09"
      "active": true,
      "address": {
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 10,
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "latitude": "52.1266051",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "longitude": "4.6533684",
        "housenrext": "",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn"
      "carrier": {
        "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
        "tags": [],
        "product": {
          "area": "FttH",
          "name": "W-ADSL-WN/Fiber/GPON/MIGRATE_FTTH",
          "upload": null,
          "nlstype": "FMIGRATE",
          "distance": null,
          "download": null,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "product_id": 774,
          "test_label": false,
          "carriertype": "Fiber",
          "copper_pairs": 1,
          "base_technology": "FttH",
          "data_technology": "GPON"
        "ftu_type": "FTU_TK01",
        "serviceid": "REF63627",
        "additional_serviceid": null
      "enduser": {
        "uuid": "0a12badc-23a9-475b-9941-118b04f8ccfd"
      "circuits": [
          "nid": "2408ZE000100101",
          "vlan": 6,
          "product": {
            "qos": "Best Effort",
            "name": "Regular circuit 100Mb",
            "upload": 100000,
            "quality": "REGULAR",
            "download": 100000,
            "supplier": "KPNWBA",
            "product_id": 279,
            "overbooking": 0
          "provisioning": {
            "ipvpn": "internet",
            "authentication": false
          "provisioning_type": "ppp"
      "supplier": "KPNWBA",
      "contract_period": {
        "to": "2023-12-09",
        "from": "2022-12-09",
        "last_change": "2022-12-09"
      "contract_duration": 12,
      "location_contacts": [
          "name": "Teun Ouwehand",
          "uuid": "88f8f712-bab1-472c-8688-03b7e0ce316f",
          "email": null,
          "primary": true,
          "phonenumber": "0612345678"
      "transaction": {
        "uuid": null,
        "action": null,
        "state": null
    "replan_possible": true,
    "replan_requested": false,
    "on_demand": false,
    "on_demand_requested": false
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.0.0

Data needed to request a zipcode

Request params
Name Type Description
zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
housenr integer The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
housenrext string House number suffix.
filter object
    provider array
    provider[#] enum Enum options:
. An enumeration.
    connectionpoint string The ISRA-specs to retrieve specifically. This is used when the connectionpoints all list incomplete. You should only input the ISRA-specs not the full name, so it should look like '001'
    timeout number The amount of time we wait for the total request to take.

Reply params
Name Type Description
available object Maps providers to availabities
    KPNWBA object
        EVC object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            max_upload integer
            max_download integer
            min_upload integer
            min_download integer
            overbooking integer
            active boolean
            area string
            quality enum Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        carrier object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            distance string
            area string
            carrier_type enum Enum options:
. An enumeration.
            download integer
            upload integer
            terminate_voice boolean
            data_technology string
            sub_technology string
            network string
            plan_date string
            end_of_sale_date string
            wishdate boolean
            estimated_delivery_duration string
            contract_duration array
            contract_duration[#] integer
            default_contract_duration integer
            ont_registration boolean
            on_demand boolean
            circuits array
            circuits[#] integer
            sla array
            sla[#] integer
            cpe array
            cpe[#] integer
            risk_area string
        sla object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        cpe object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        connectionpoint object Also known as ISRA point
    KPNWEAS object
        EVC object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            max_upload integer
            max_download integer
            min_upload integer
            min_download integer
            overbooking integer
            active boolean
            area string
            quality enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        carrier object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            distance string
            area string
            carrier_type enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
            download integer
            upload integer
            terminate_voice boolean
            data_technology string
            sub_technology string
            network string
            plan_date string
            end_of_sale_date string
            wishdate boolean
            estimated_delivery_duration string
            contract_duration array
            contract_duration[#] integer
            default_contract_duration integer
            ont_registration boolean
            on_demand boolean
            circuits array
            circuits[#] integer
            sla array
            sla[#] integer
            cpe array
            cpe[#] integer
            risk_area string
        sla object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        cpe object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        connectionpoint object Also known as ISRA point
    TELE2 object
        EVC object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            max_upload integer
            max_download integer
            min_upload integer
            min_download integer
            overbooking integer
            active boolean
            area string
            quality enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        carrier object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            distance string
            area string
            carrier_type enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
            download integer
            upload integer
            terminate_voice boolean
            data_technology string
            sub_technology string
            network string
            plan_date string
            end_of_sale_date string
            wishdate boolean
            estimated_delivery_duration string
            contract_duration array
            contract_duration[#] integer
            default_contract_duration integer
            ont_registration boolean
            on_demand boolean
            circuits array
            circuits[#] integer
            sla array
            sla[#] integer
            cpe array
            cpe[#] integer
            risk_area string
        sla object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        cpe object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        connectionpoint object Also known as ISRA point
    EUROFIBER object
        EVC object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            max_upload integer
            max_download integer
            min_upload integer
            min_download integer
            overbooking integer
            active boolean
            area string
            quality enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        carrier object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            distance string
            area string
            carrier_type enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
            download integer
            upload integer
            terminate_voice boolean
            data_technology string
            sub_technology string
            network string
            plan_date string
            end_of_sale_date string
            wishdate boolean
            estimated_delivery_duration string
            contract_duration array
            contract_duration[#] integer
            default_contract_duration integer
            ont_registration boolean
            on_demand boolean
            circuits array
            circuits[#] integer
            sla array
            sla[#] integer
            cpe array
            cpe[#] integer
            risk_area string
        sla object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        cpe object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        connectionpoint object Also known as ISRA point
    ZIGGO object
        EVC object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            max_upload integer
            max_download integer
            min_upload integer
            min_download integer
            overbooking integer
            active boolean
            area string
            quality enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        carrier object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            distance string
            area string
            carrier_type enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
            download integer
            upload integer
            terminate_voice boolean
            data_technology string
            sub_technology string
            network string
            plan_date string
            end_of_sale_date string
            wishdate boolean
            estimated_delivery_duration string
            contract_duration array
            contract_duration[#] integer
            default_contract_duration integer
            ont_registration boolean
            on_demand boolean
            circuits array
            circuits[#] integer
            sla array
            sla[#] integer
            cpe array
            cpe[#] integer
            risk_area string
        sla object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        cpe object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        connectionpoint object Also known as ISRA point
    NDIX object
        EVC object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            max_upload integer
            max_download integer
            min_upload integer
            min_download integer
            overbooking integer
            active boolean
            area string
            quality enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        carrier object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            distance string
            area string
            carrier_type enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
            download integer
            upload integer
            terminate_voice boolean
            data_technology string
            sub_technology string
            network string
            plan_date string
            end_of_sale_date string
            wishdate boolean
            estimated_delivery_duration string
            contract_duration array
            contract_duration[#] integer
            default_contract_duration integer
            ont_registration boolean
            on_demand boolean
            circuits array
            circuits[#] integer
            sla array
            sla[#] integer
            cpe array
            cpe[#] integer
            risk_area string
        sla object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        cpe object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        connectionpoint object Also known as ISRA point
    WAUWAU object
        EVC object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            max_upload integer
            max_download integer
            min_upload integer
            min_download integer
            overbooking integer
            active boolean
            area string
            quality enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        carrier object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            distance string
            area string
            carrier_type enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
            download integer
            upload integer
            terminate_voice boolean
            data_technology string
            sub_technology string
            network string
            plan_date string
            end_of_sale_date string
            wishdate boolean
            estimated_delivery_duration string
            contract_duration array
            contract_duration[#] integer
            default_contract_duration integer
            ont_registration boolean
            on_demand boolean
            circuits array
            circuits[#] integer
            sla array
            sla[#] integer
            cpe array
            cpe[#] integer
            risk_area string
        sla object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        cpe object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        connectionpoint object Also known as ISRA point
    FOREFREEDOM object
        EVC object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            max_upload integer
            max_download integer
            min_upload integer
            min_download integer
            overbooking integer
            active boolean
            area string
            quality enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        carrier object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
            distance string
            area string
            carrier_type enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
            download integer
            upload integer
            terminate_voice boolean
            data_technology string
            sub_technology string
            network string
            plan_date string
            end_of_sale_date string
            wishdate boolean
            estimated_delivery_duration string
            contract_duration array
            contract_duration[#] integer
            default_contract_duration integer
            ont_registration boolean
            on_demand boolean
            circuits array
            circuits[#] integer
            sla array
            sla[#] integer
            cpe array
            cpe[#] integer
            risk_area string
        sla object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        cpe object
            product_id integer
            name string
            description string
            extrainfo string
        connectionpoint object Also known as ISRA point
address object
    housenr integer
    housenrext string
    zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
    street string
    city string
    province string
    municipality string
    latitude string
    longitude string
errors array
errors[#] object
    code integer
    description string
    supplier string
comments array
comments[#] object
    code integer
    description string
    supplier string
pricing object
Fetch data for a single provider
Fetch data for all providers at once
Search for a specific ISRA point
Request example
  "zipcode": "2408ZE",
  "housenr": 10,
  "housenrext": null,
  "filter": {
    "provider": [
    "connectionpoint": null,
    "timeout": 15
Reply example
  "available": {
    "TELE2": {
      "EVC": {
        "680": {
          "product_id": 680,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Regular circuit 1Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "regular",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 1024,
          "download": 1024,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "28234333-ced0-4ea7-8c55-471e8e908299",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 1024,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 1024
        "682": {
          "product_id": 682,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Premium circuit 1Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 1024,
          "download": 1024,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "10c7fa17-3d3c-4baf-a25b-3db3380eddea",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 1024,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 1024
        "684": {
          "product_id": 684,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Regular circuit 2Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "regular",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 2048,
          "download": 2048,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "3041bf4e-14e1-4b0b-b7c2-7a4b22c74d21",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 2048,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 2048
        "686": {
          "product_id": 686,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Premium circuit 2Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 2048,
          "download": 2048,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "ca979f5f-593f-4849-8a38-6b03aed58457",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 2048,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 2048
        "688": {
          "product_id": 688,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Regular circuit 4Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "regular",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 4096,
          "download": 4096,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "48206f42-0ce0-4217-ad64-db961dee4e2f",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 4096,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 4096
        "690": {
          "product_id": 690,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Premium circuit 4Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 4096,
          "download": 4096,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "37cbfd92-1251-40e3-b676-78acad605742",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 4096,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 4096
        "692": {
          "product_id": 692,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Regular circuit 6Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "regular",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 6144,
          "download": 6144,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "116917d4-8d67-4c1c-abd0-b32fb7d15abc",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 6144,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 6144
        "694": {
          "product_id": 694,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Premium circuit 6Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 6144,
          "download": 6144,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "aa6c3da8-71c6-4d43-9ba5-d7f2c6fde1a1",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 6144,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 6144
        "696": {
          "product_id": 696,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Regular circuit 8Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "regular",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 8192,
          "download": 8192,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "a9d809b9-8706-4662-ae76-3eba31434220",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 8192,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 8192
        "698": {
          "product_id": 698,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Premium circuit 8Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 8192,
          "download": 8192,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "0f3f783f-d363-40f9-9365-5f57ce6c5162",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 8192,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 8192
        "710": {
          "product_id": 710,
          "is_pvc": true,
          "name": "Premium circuit 20Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 20480,
          "download": 20480,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "5aa2802e-bbad-41fb-ab12-b1f5296799ac",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 20480,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 20480
        "724": {
          "product_id": 724,
          "is_pvc": true,
          "name": "Premium circuit 10Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 10240,
          "download": 10240,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": null,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "d33cfe1e-ba93-409d-a5bd-596898c56eef",
          "min_upload": 0,
          "max_upload": 10240,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_download": 10240
        "730": {
          "product_id": 730,
          "is_pvc": true,
          "name": "Regular circuit 50Mb",
          "supplier": "TELE2",
          "transport_instance": null,
          "qos": null,
          "quality": "regular",
          "area": "NATIONAL",
          "upload": 51200,
          "download": 51200,
          "overbooking": 0,
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          "min_download": 0,
          "max_upload": 1024,
          "min_upload": 0
        "332": {
          "product_id": 332,
          "is_pvc": false,
          "name": "Premium circuit 256Kb",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "transport_instance": "TI-NEXT/2",
          "qos": "Premium",
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": null,
          "upload": 256,
          "download": 256,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": 8608,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "3be3f469-49ac-4f60-9fc2-ab2ceedd8260",
          "max_download": 256,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_upload": 256,
          "min_upload": 0
        "776": {
          "product_id": 776,
          "is_pvc": true,
          "name": "Premium circuit 1Mb",
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "transport_instance": "TI-NEXT/2",
          "qos": "VBRrt",
          "quality": "premium",
          "area": null,
          "upload": 1024,
          "download": 1024,
          "overbooking": 0,
          "service_type": 8210,
          "active": true,
          "reference": null,
          "abacus_product_uuid": "547d6900-8668-40bc-8958-9125ac468ebd",
          "max_download": 1024,
          "min_download": 0,
          "max_upload": 1024,
          "min_upload": 0
      "carrier": {
        "610": {
          "product_id": 610,
          "name": "ADSL2+ (non-shared line, NLS1, ZTL)",
          "description": null,
          "extrainfo": null,
          "distance": "NLS1;ZTL",
          "area": "",
          "carrier_type": "Copper_only",
          "download": 4767,
          "upload": 905,
          "terminate_voice": false,
          "data_technology": "ADSL",
          "sub_technology": "ADSL2+",
          "network": "KPN Netwerk NL",
          "plan_date": null,
          "end_of_sale_date": null,
          "wishdate": true,
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "6d",
          "contract_duration": [
          "default_contract_duration": 12,
          "ont_registration": false,
          "on_demand": false,
          "circuits": [
          "sla": [
          "cpe": [],
          "risk_area": null
        "612": {
          "product_id": 612,
          "name": "ADSL2+ (non-shared line, NLS1, TL)",
          "description": null,
          "extrainfo": null,
          "distance": "NLS1;TL",
          "area": "",
          "carrier_type": "Copper_only",
          "download": 4767,
          "upload": 905,
          "terminate_voice": false,
          "data_technology": "ADSL",
          "sub_technology": "ADSL2+",
          "network": "KPN Netwerk NL",
          "plan_date": null,
          "end_of_sale_date": null,
          "wishdate": true,
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "10d",
          "contract_duration": [
          "default_contract_duration": 12,
          "ont_registration": false,
          "on_demand": false,
          "circuits": [
          "sla": [
          "cpe": [
          "risk_area": null
        "618": {
          "product_id": 618,
          "name": "ADSL2+ (non-shared line, CMIGRATE, ZTL)",
          "description": null,
          "extrainfo": null,
          "distance": "MIGRATE",
          "area": "",
          "carrier_type": "Copper_only",
          "download": 4767,
          "upload": 905,
          "terminate_voice": false,
          "data_technology": "ADSL",
          "sub_technology": "ADSL2+",
          "network": "KPN Netwerk NL",
          "plan_date": null,
          "end_of_sale_date": null,
          "wishdate": true,
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "10d",
          "contract_duration": [
          "default_contract_duration": 12,
          "ont_registration": false,
          "on_demand": true,
          "circuits": [
          "sla": [
          "cpe": [],
          "risk_area": null
        "1032": {
          "product_id": 1032,
          "name": "LVDSL2 (non-shared line, NLS1, TL)",
          "description": null,
          "extrainfo": null,
          "distance": "NLS1;TL",
          "area": "",
          "carrier_type": "Copper_only",
          "download": 4152,
          "upload": 1500,
          "terminate_voice": false,
          "data_technology": "LVDSL",
          "sub_technology": "LVDSL2",
          "network": "KPN Netwerk NL",
          "plan_date": null,
          "end_of_sale_date": null,
          "wishdate": true,
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "10d",
          "contract_duration": [
          "default_contract_duration": 12,
          "ont_registration": false,
          "on_demand": false,
          "circuits": [
          "sla": [
          "cpe": [
          "risk_area": null
        "1036": {
          "product_id": 1036,
          "name": "LVDSL2 (non-shared line, CMIGRATE, TL)",
          "description": null,
          "extrainfo": null,
          "distance": "MIGRATE",
          "area": "",
          "carrier_type": "Copper_only",
          "download": 4152,
          "upload": 1500,
          "terminate_voice": false,
          "data_technology": "LVDSL",
          "sub_technology": "LVDSL2",
          "network": "KPN Netwerk NL",
          "plan_date": null,
          "end_of_sale_date": null,
          "wishdate": true,
          "estimated_delivery_duration": "10d",
          "contract_duration": [
          "default_contract_duration": 12,
          "ont_registration": false,
          "on_demand": true,
          "circuits": [
          "sla": [
          "cpe": [
          "risk_area": null
      "sla": {
        "606": {
          "product_id": 606,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "name": "Best Effort",
          "description": "Service Level Agreement koper Best-Effort",
          "abacus_product_uuid": "13f67963-8caa-4e34-ae98-25ec26b46252"
        "607": {
          "product_id": 607,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "name": "Office hours",
          "description": "Service Level Agreement koper Next Business Day",
          "abacus_product_uuid": "c7a5f5d2-a389-490b-a52b-ed231736eb00"
        "608": {
          "product_id": 608,
          "supplier": "KPNWBA",
          "name": "24x7",
          "description": "Service Level Agreement koper 7x24",
          "abacus_product_uuid": "5a061bc9-6f5b-4dad-a441-419fbed8b621"
      "cpe": {
        "651": {
          "product_id": 651,
          "name": "Wall outlet",
          "description": null,
          "extrainfo": null
      "connectionpoint": {
        "001/B/AUT/AUTOMAATRUIMTE": {
          "ADSL": [
          "LVDSL": [
          "orderable": true,
          "carriertype": "Copper",
          "available_technology": [
          "nl1lines": 40,
          "nl2lines": 0,
          "nl1lines_available": 36,
          "isra-specs": "001/B/AUT/AUTOMAATRUIMTE",
          "cgb-name": "Kawij-Aw",
          "available_service": [
              "service": "CHL65244",
              "orderable": true,
              "phonenumber": null,
              "type": 3
              "service": "CGX39486",
              "orderable": true,
              "phonenumber": null,
              "type": 3
              "service": "CGN76515",
              "orderable": true,
              "phonenumber": null,
              "type": 3
              "service": "CGP05679",
              "orderable": true,
              "phonenumber": null,
              "type": 3
          "plan_date": null,
          "end_of_sale_date": null
  "address": {
    "province": "Zuid-Holland",
    "municipality": "Katwijk",
    "city": "Rijnsburg",
    "zipcode": "2231BZ",
    "street": "Laan van Verhof",
    "housenr": 3,
    "housenrext": "",
    "latitude": "52.1855595",
    "longitude": "4.4548323"
  "errors": [],
  "comments": [
      "code": 9665,
      "description": "This distribution point is available based on partial address match",
      "supplier": "KPNWBA"
  "pricing": {}
permission needed: #broadband-basic-r
Since v1.0.0

Data needed to request a zipcode

Request params
Name Type Description
zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
housenr integer The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
housenrext string House number suffix.
filter object
    provider array
    provider[#] enum Enum options:
. An enumeration.
    connectionpoint string The ISRA-specs to retrieve specifically. This is used when the connectionpoints all list incomplete. You should only input the ISRA-specs not the full name, so it should look like '001'
    timeout number The amount of time we wait for the total request to take.

Reply params
Name Type Description
available object Maps providers to availabities
    KPNWBA object
        max_download integer
        max_upload integer
        area string
        distance string
        carrier enum Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        plan_date string
        end_of_sale_date string
        data_technology string
        sub_technology string
        network string
    KPNWEAS object
        max_download integer
        max_upload integer
        area string
        distance string
        carrier enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        plan_date string
        end_of_sale_date string
        data_technology string
        sub_technology string
        network string
    TELE2 object
        max_download integer
        max_upload integer
        area string
        distance string
        carrier enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        plan_date string
        end_of_sale_date string
        data_technology string
        sub_technology string
        network string
    EUROFIBER object
        max_download integer
        max_upload integer
        area string
        distance string
        carrier enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        plan_date string
        end_of_sale_date string
        data_technology string
        sub_technology string
        network string
    ZIGGO object
        max_download integer
        max_upload integer
        area string
        distance string
        carrier enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        plan_date string
        end_of_sale_date string
        data_technology string
        sub_technology string
        network string
    NDIX object
        max_download integer
        max_upload integer
        area string
        distance string
        carrier enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        plan_date string
        end_of_sale_date string
        data_technology string
        sub_technology string
        network string
    WAUWAU object
        max_download integer
        max_upload integer
        area string
        distance string
        carrier enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        plan_date string
        end_of_sale_date string
        data_technology string
        sub_technology string
        network string
    FOREFREEDOM object
        max_download integer
        max_upload integer
        area string
        distance string
        carrier enum Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. Enum options:
. An enumeration.
        plan_date string
        end_of_sale_date string
        data_technology string
        sub_technology string
        network string
address object
    housenr integer
    housenrext string
    zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
    street string
    city string
    province string
    municipality string
    latitude string
    longitude string
errors array
errors[#] object
    code integer
    description string
    supplier string
comments array
comments[#] object
    code integer
    description string
    supplier string
Fetch data for a single provider
Fetch data for all providers at once
Request example
  "zipcode": "2408ZE",
  "housenr": 10,
  "housenrext": null,
  "filter": {
    "provider": [
    "connectionpoint": null,
    "timeout": 15
Reply example
  "available": {
    "TELE2": {
      "Fiber": {
        "max_download": 1074000,
        "max_upload": 1074000,
        "area": "4",
        "distance": "Fiber 4-Onnet",
        "carrier": "Fiber",
        "plan_date": null,
        "end_of_sale_date": null,
        "data_technology": "Fiber",
        "sub_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "TELE2"
  "address": {
    "province": "Zuid-Holland",
    "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
    "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
    "zipcode": "2408ZE",
    "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
    "housenr": 10,
    "housenrext": "",
    "latitude": "52.1266051",
    "longitude": "4.6533684"
  "errors": [],
  "comments": []
Request example
  "zipcode": "2408ZE",
  "housenr": 10,
  "housenrext": null,
  "filter": {
    "provider": [],
    "connectionpoint": null,
    "timeout": 15
Reply example
  "available": {
    "EUROFIBER": {
      "Fiber": {
        "max_download": 1000000,
        "max_upload": 1000000,
        "area": "A",
        "distance": "Onnet",
        "carrier": "Fiber",
        "plan_date": null,
        "end_of_sale_date": null,
        "data_technology": "Fiber",
        "sub_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "EUROFIBER"
    "KPNWBA": {
      "Fiber": {
        "max_download": 1000000,
        "max_upload": 1000000,
        "area": "FttH",
        "distance": "",
        "carrier": "Fiber",
        "plan_date": null,
        "end_of_sale_date": null,
        "data_technology": "Fiber",
        "sub_technology": "GoF",
        "network": "KPN Netwerk NL"
    "KPNWEAS": {
      "Fiber": {
        "max_download": 1000000,
        "max_upload": 1000000,
        "area": "B",
        "distance": "Nearnet;NLS-3",
        "carrier": "Fiber",
        "plan_date": null,
        "end_of_sale_date": null,
        "data_technology": "Fiber",
        "sub_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "KPNWEAS"
    "NDIX": {},
    "TELE2": {
      "Fiber": {
        "max_download": 1074000,
        "max_upload": 1074000,
        "area": "4",
        "distance": "Fiber 4-Onnet",
        "carrier": "Fiber",
        "plan_date": null,
        "end_of_sale_date": null,
        "data_technology": "Fiber",
        "sub_technology": "Fiber",
        "network": "TELE2"
  "address": {
    "province": "Zuid-Holland",
    "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
    "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
    "zipcode": "2408ZE",
    "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
    "housenr": 10,
    "housenrext": "",
    "latitude": "52.1266051",
    "longitude": "4.6533684"
  "errors": [
      "code": null,
      "supplier": "WAUWAU",
      "description": "This request could did not complete successfully. Exception ID: 3f570644-6997-4ca8-b3ea-47b8162a90a0"
      "code": null,
      "description": "limit reached for current timespan",
      "supplier": "NDIX"
      "code": null,
      "supplier": "ZIGGO",
      "description": "This request could did not complete successfully. Exception ID: 2d1b52ef-b7a2-4d8e-bc3e-fb38b3f46212"
  "comments": [
      "code": 9075,
      "description": "No infra match in KANVAS, but match in CENDRIS",
      "supplier": "KPNWBA"
permission needed: #broadband-basic-r
Since v1.16.0

Request params
This method expects an empty object as input:

Reply params
Name Type Description
providers array
providers[#] string
Request example
Reply example
  "providers": [
permission needed: #broadband-diagnostics-r
Since v1.31

Requests a diagnostic report of a designated circuit.

Request params
Name Type Description
type enum Enum options:
. Defines the requested report type
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.

Reply params
Name Type Description
uuid string
Delt Check
Selt Check
Fiber Check
ONT Check
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "diagnose",
  "params": {
    "type": "delt",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100102"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "c19bcc63-2a08-4d06-afff-a6c6346af219"
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "diagnose",
  "params": {
    "type": "selt",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100102"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "a2e5434d-b9a8-477d-a615-cfb9672de5ce"
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "diagnose",
  "params": {
    "type": "fiber-check",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100201"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "d36c1bc4-39ee-43d7-85a7-30a98ace2a52"
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "diagnose",
  "params": {
    "type": "ont-check",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100301"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "a2e5434d-b9a8-477d-a615-cfb9672de5ce"
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "diagnose",
  "params": {
    "type": "ont-lan-check",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100301"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "42538ee8-85b6-4e60-a028-c00afcc718dd"
permission needed: #broadband-diagnostics-r
Since v1.7.0

Disconnects a circuit forcing it to initiate a new login.

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "force_disconnect",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100102"
Reply example
  "result": {},
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1
permission needed: #broadband-diagnostics-r
Since v1.7.0

Requests logs for a given circuit, optionally after a given moment.

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
after string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

Reply params
Name Type Description
log_entries array
log_entries[#] object
    username string
    loginstatus enum Enum options:
. undefined
    datetime string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_authlog",
  "params": {
    "nid": "2408ZE000100102",
    "after": "2018-01-29T17:18:00Z"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "log_entries": [
        "username": "user@realm",
        "loginstatus": "ok",
        "datetime": "2018-01-29T17:17:27Z"
        "username": "user@realm",
        "loginstatus": "ok",
        "datetime": "2018-01-29T18:15:00Z"
        "username": "user@realm",
        "loginstatus": "incorrect",
        "datetime": "2018-02-02T19:16:10Z"
permission needed: #broadband-diagnostics-r
Since v1.31

Fetch a stored diagnostic report.

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string

Reply params
Name Type Description
Get KPNWBA Delt Report
Get KPNWBA Selt Report
Get KPNWBA Fiber Check Report
Get KPNWBA ONT Check Report
Get KPNWBA ONT LAN Check Report
Get DELTA ONT LAN Check Report
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_report",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "c19bcc63-2a08-4d06-afff-a6c6346af219"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "report": {
      "status": "complete",
      "error_details": null,
      "provider": "KPNWBA",
      "selt_details": [
          "dslam_port": "AL-AFQ-DSLA-1.R1.S1.LT1.6",
          "details": {
            "advice_code": 3,
            "advice_text": "Ok",
            "code": 10,
            "exit_value": 10,
            "inspection_id": 19572914,
            "log": "InspectionID: 19572914\nMeting van: AL-AFQ-DSLA-1:1-1-1-6 \n----------------------------- \nFault domain End User\n(no modem detected)",
            "problem_length": 479,
            "detected_problem": "CPE_STATE-OFF_OR_NOT_CONNECTED",
            "domain": "CPE",
            "termination_type": "OPEN",
            "attenuation": 6.900000095367432
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_report",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "a2e5434d-b9a8-477d-a615-cfb9672de5ce"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "report": {
      "status": "complete",
      "error_details": null,
      "provider": "KPNWBA",
      "delt_details": [
          "dslam_port": "AL-AFQ-DSLA-1.R1.S1.LT1.6",
          "details": {
            "measurement": {
              "cpe": {
                "cpe_type": "Unknown",
                "modem_vendor_id": null,
                "system_vendor_id": null,
                "system_vendor_model": null
              "downstream": {
                "atm_traffic_rate_down": null,
                "attenuation_down": null,
                "contract_down": 1536,
                "actual_bitrate_down": null,
                "actual_psd_down": null,
                "attainable_bitrate_down": null,
                "loop_attenuation_down": null,
                "noise_margin_down": null,
                "power_down": null,
                "relative_capacity_down": null
              "unit": {
                "actual_bitrate_unit": "kb/s",
                "actual_psd_unit": "dBm/Hz",
                "atm_traffic_rate_unit": "octets",
                "attainable_bitrate_unit": "kb/s",
                "attenuation_unit": "dB",
                "loop_attenuation_unit": "dB",
                "noise_margin_unit": "dB",
                "power_unit": "dBm",
                "relative_capacity_unit": "%"
              "upstream": {
                "atm_traffic_rate_up": null,
                "attenuation_up": null,
                "contract_up": 256,
                "actual_bitrate_up": null,
                "actual_psd_up": null,
                "attainable_bitrate_up": null,
                "loop_attenuation_up": null,
                "noise_margin_up": null,
                "power_up": null,
                "relative_capacity_up": null
            "meta": {
              "advice_code": 3,
              "advice_text": "Ok",
              "inspection_id": 19572890
            "dslam_port_info": {
              "rtx": {
                "rtx_downstream_delay": null,
                "rtx_downstream_mode": null,
                "rtx_fallback_profile": "RTX_1M_20M_D-18_P8-1_S-1_pol",
                "rtx_profile": "RTX_3080_32M_D-18_P8-1_S-1",
                "rtx_upstream_delay": null,
                "rtx_upstream_mode": null
              "vectoring": {
                "supported_vectoring_types": ",",
                "vectored_downstream_mode": null,
                "vectored_upstream_mode": null,
                "vectoring_fallback": "",
                "vectoring_profile": "VVDSL_FULL_2208-17764",
                "vectoring_status": "Enabled both US and DS",
                "vectoring_type": "vect.cpe.type.legacy.cpe"
              "connection_status": "Unknown",
              "dsl_type": "non.shdsl.opermode vdsl2.g9932.profile.17a, line.type.pots,g.inp,sra,vectored",
              "line_id": "AL-AFQ-DSLA-1:1-1-1-6",
              "line_card_type": "NDLT-G",
              "line_quality": null,
              "output_power": null,
              "user_label": "CGZ31876",
              "virtual_profile": "VIRT_VVDSL_3072_I8-2_32M_I16-4_SRA_VVDSL_998-M2x_P_SRA_17A_DVN_UP1_RTX_3080_32M_D-18_P8-1_S-1",
              "classification_history_urls": null,
              "estimated_delt_distance": 0,
              "last_status_change": 1686042326845,
              "line_length": 0,
              "line_up": "false",
              "re_sync_supported": "true",
              "selt_supported": "true",
              "service_profile_name": "VVDSL_3072_I8-2_32M_I16-4_SRA",
              "service_stability": "UNKNOWN",
              "service_template_name": "vectoring_VDSL_32M",
              "spectrum_profile_name": "VVDSL_998-M2x_P_SRA_17A_DVN_UP1"
            "problem": {
              "problem_confidence": 100,
              "problem_description": "CONNECTION_STATUS-CPE_SILENT-parameter.far.end.line.failure-NOATUR",
              "problem_impact": "no.connectivity.impact",
              "problem_location": "xDSL"
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_report",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "d36c1bc4-39ee-43d7-85a7-30a98ace2a52"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "report": {
      "status": "complete",
      "error_details": null,
      "provider": "KPNWBA",
      "fiber_check_details": {
        "advice_code": 0,
        "advice_text": "Attenuation is within the norm",
        "attenuation_transmitting_dbm": -5.05,
        "attenuation_receiving_dbm": -6.04,
        "rx_lower_bound_norm": -16,
        "rx_upper_bound_norm": -5,
        "tx_lower_bound_norm": -14,
        "tx_upper_bound_norm": -4,
        "line_card_type": "NELT-B",
        "vlans": [
        "sfp_signal_status": "no-los",
        "last_status_change": "2022-04-02T08:12:45Z",
        "line_id": "AL-AAG-DSLA-4:R1.S1.LT2.21",
        "tx_bias_current": "9.41 mA",
        "supply_voltage": "3.26 VDC",
        "line_status": "up",
        "customer_id": "REF0001234567",
        "temperature": "53.96 degrees Celsius",
        "mac_addressess": [
            "vlan": "VLAN-6",
            "value": "NONE"
            "vlan": "VLAN-7",
            "value": "NONE"
        "technology_type": "GoF",
        "interface_speed": 1000000000,
        "tx_fault": 2
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_report",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "a2e5434d-b9a8-477d-a615-cfb9672de5ce"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "report": {
      "status": "complete",
      "error_details": null,
      "provider": "KPNWBA",
      "ont_check_details": {
        "test_id": "17bc2346-a431-4769-b377-0000c6871318",
        "exit_code": "0",
        "exit_msg": "OK",
        "result_code": "NOK",
        "result_msg": "line down",
        "rfs_id": "ENE3000533980",
        "results": [
            "ONTAdministrativestatus": "up",
            "ONTOperationalstatus": "down",
            "ONTLaststatuschange": "2023-07-26T13:36:40Z",
            "ONTRangingstatus": "not-ranged",
            "ONTSerialNum": "GNXS12345678",
            "ONTEquipVerNum": "null",
            "ONTVendorId": "GNXS",
            "ONTtype": "GMC-TK01-XGS2110",
            "ONTSupportLevel": "SUPPORTED"
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_report",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "42538ee8-85b6-4e60-a028-c00afcc718dd"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "report": {
      "status": "complete",
      "error_details": null,
      "provider": "KPNWBA",
      "ont_lan_check_details": {
        "test_id": "0f86231e-49b9-4088-a2cb-c350ef6ef5b5",
        "exit_code": "0",
        "exit_msg": "Genexis ONT is identified therefore measurement may not be fully reliable",
        "result_code": "OK",
        "result_msg": "The processing was successful",
        "rfs_id": "EAS3000357393",
        "results": [
            "ONTLANAdministrativestatus": "up",
            "ONTLANOperationalstatus": "up",
            "ONTLANLaststatuschange": "2023-08-16T19:57:14Z",
            "ONTSwVersion": "ES-5.1.5-R",
            "ONTSupportLevel": "SUPPORTED",
            "DbONTType": "GMC-TKC01"
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_report",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "a90e07dd-ed4a-41bc-aa06-9778d93f8600"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "report": {
      "status": "complete",
      "error_details": null,
      "provider": "DELTA",
      "ont_check_details": {
        "adminStatus": "UNLOCKED",
        "operationState": "UP",
        "extraAttributes": {
          "tx-signal-level": "3191",
          "ranged": "ranged",
          "temperature": "15488",
          "serial-number": "ALCLF9E872A5",
          "op-signal-level": "-4915",
          "rx-power-olt": "-103",
          "equipped-type": "XS-010X-Q"
        "name": "R1.S1.LT1.PON8.ONT14",
        "ports": [
            "fqdn": "Ethernet Port:vri-poc-olt01:IACM:R1.S1.LT1.PON8.ONT14.C10.P1",
            "adminStatus": "UNLOCKED",
            "operationState": "DOWN",
            "vlanAssociations": [
                "extraAttributes": {
                  "port-vlan": "C440"
                "extraAttributes": {
                  "port-vlan": "C6",
                  "mac-addresses-learned": "6C:31:0E:B4:CA:00"
permission needed: #broadband-r
Since v1.31

Fetch a list of available diagnostic tests.

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.

Reply params
Name Type Description
provider string
available_diagnostics array
available_diagnostics[#] enum Enum options:
. undefined
number_of_tests integer
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_available_diagnostics",
  "params": {
    "nid": "1062AB001370101"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "provider": "KPNWBA",
    "available_diagnostics": [
    "number_of_tests": 1
permission needed: #broadband-diagnostics-r
Since v1.31

Produce a list of the stored diagnostic reports.

Request params
Name Type Description
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
pagination object Used to limit the amount of items returned.
    per_page integer Amount of items per page. '0' means 'all' on some endpoints.
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
sort object
    uuid enum Enum options:
. undefined
    type enum Enum options:
. undefined
    status enum Enum options:
. undefined
    updated enum Enum options:
. undefined
filter object
    uuid string
    type enum Enum options:
. undefined
    status enum Enum options:
. undefined

Reply params
Name Type Description
list array
list[#] object
    uuid string
    type enum Enum options:
. undefined
    status enum Enum options:
. undefined
    updated string
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a (next|previous)_page returns null, the (next|previous)page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
    count integer, null An integer or no value at all.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_reports",
  "params": {
    "nid": "1062AB001370101",
    "pagination": {
      "per_page": 10,
      "page": 1
    "sort": {
      "updated": "DESC"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "list": [
        "uuid": "0259de0a-1944-4add-8384-5a8d39d1519c",
        "type": "delt",
        "status": "complete",
        "updated": "2018-02-01 15:58:48"
        "uuid": "f6c19280-ee28-4776-8194-905d0daf5691",
        "type": "delt",
        "status": "complete",
        "updated": "2018-02-02 13:04:58"
  "pagination": {
    "previous_page": null,
    "next_page": null,
    "per_page": 10,
    "count": 2
permission needed: #postcodes-r
Since v1.2.0

Request params
Name Type Description
zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.

Reply params
Name Type Description
housenrs array
housenrs[#] integer
Request example
  "zipcode": "2584TX"
Reply example
  "housenrs": [
permission needed: #postcodes-r
Since v1.2.0

Request params
Name Type Description
housenr integer
zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
provider_filter array
provider_filter[#] enum Enum options:
. An enumeration.
dont_do_recursion boolean

Reply params
Name Type Description
    address object A complete address with province, municipality, latitude and longitude.
        zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
        housenr integer The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
        housenrext string House number suffix.
        street string The street name.
        city string The city name.
        province string
        municipality string
        latitude string
        longitude string
    housenrexts array
    housenrexts[#] string
KPNWBA object
    housenrexts array
    housenrexts[#] string
KPNWEAS object
    housenrexts array
    housenrexts[#] string
error object
    CADASTRAL object
        message string
        code integer, any of
        code string, any of
    KPNWBA object
        message string
        code integer, any of, any of
        code string, any of, any of
    KPNWEAS object
        message string
        code integer, any of, any of, any of
        code string, any of, any of, any of
Request example
  "housenr": 16,
  "zipcode": "2584TX",
  "provider_filter": null,
  "dont_do_recursion": false
Reply example
    "address": {
      "zipcode": "2584TX",
      "housenr": 16,
      "housenrext": "",
      "street": "Zwaardstraat",
      "city": "'s-Gravenhage",
      "province": "Zuid-Holland",
      "municipality": "'s-Gravenhage",
      "latitude": "52.1022899",
      "longitude": "4.2761221"
    "housenrexts": [
  "KPNWBA": {
    "housenrexts": [
  "KPNWEAS": {
    "housenrexts": [
  "error": {}
permission needed: #enduser-d
Since v1.22.0

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "del_enduser",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "abcde123-0123-4abc-9876-012345678912"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}
permission needed: #enduser-r
Since v1.22.0

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string

Reply params
Name Type Description
enduser object
    uuid string
    company_name string, null
    phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
    address object A complete address with province, municipality, latitude and longitude.
        zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
        housenr number The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
        housenrext string, null House number suffix.
        street string, null The street name.
        city string, null The city name.
        province string, null
        municipality string, null
        latitude string, null
        longitude string, null
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_enduser",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "abcde123-0123-4abc-9876-012345678912"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "enduser": {
      "uuid": "abcde123-0123-4abc-9876-012345678912",
      "company_name": "Nextpertise Office",
      "phonenumber": "0887775200",
      "address": {
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "housenr": 10,
        "housenrext": null,
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "latitude": "52.1266051",
        "longitude": "4.6533684"
permission needed: #enduser-r
Since v1.22.0

Request params
This method expects an empty object as input:

Reply params
Name Type Description
endusers array
endusers[#] object
    uuid string
    company_name string, null
    phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
    address object A complete address with province, municipality, latitude and longitude.
        zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
        housenr number The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
        housenrext string, null House number suffix.
        street string, null The street name.
        city string, null The city name.
        province string, null
        municipality string, null
        latitude string, null
        longitude string, null
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_endusers",
  "params": {}
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "endusers": [
        "uuid": "abcde123-0123-4abc-9876-012345678912",
        "company_name": "Nextpertise Office",
        "phonenumber": "0887775222",
        "address": {
          "zipcode": "2408ZE",
          "housenr": 10,
          "housenrext": "",
          "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
          "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
          "province": "Zuid-Holland",
          "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
          "latitude": "52.1266051",
          "longitude": "4.6533684"
        "uuid": "fe1f15a3-b255-4572-afeb-1edd961137b9",
        "company_name": "Dierenhoekje",
        "phonenumber": "0101234567",
        "address": {
          "zipcode": "1075SC",
          "housenr": 53,
          "housenrext": null,
          "city": "Amsterdam",
          "street": "Zeilstraat",
          "province": "Noord-Holland",
          "municipality": "Amsterdam",
          "latitude": "52.3506857",
          "longitude": "4.8535913"
permission needed: #enduser-c
Since v1.22.0

Request params
Name Type Description
enduser object
    uuid string, null
    company_name string, null
    phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
    address object
        zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
        housenr integer
        housenrext string, null A string or no value at all.

Reply params
Name Type Description
enduser object
    uuid string
    company_name string, null
    phonenumber string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
    address object A complete address with province, municipality, latitude and longitude.
        zipcode string Regex:
. The zipcode must conform to the Dutch postcode format. Note that the initial digit is not allowed to be '0' unless when testing.
        housenr number The house number that with the zipcode identifies an address.
        housenrext string, null House number suffix.
        street string, null The street name.
        city string, null The city name.
        province string, null
        municipality string, null
        latitude string, null
        longitude string, null
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "set_enduser",
  "params": {
    "enduser": {
      "company_name": "Nextpertise Office",
      "phonenumber": "0887775222",
      "address": {
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "housenr": 2,
        "housenrext": null
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "enduser": {
      "uuid": "abcde123-0123-4abc-9876-012345678912",
      "company_name": "Nextpertise Office",
      "phonenumber": "0887775222",
      "address": {
        "zipcode": "2408ZE",
        "housenr": 10,
        "housenrext": "",
        "city": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "street": "Zuidpoolsingel",
        "province": "Zuid-Holland",
        "municipality": "Alphen aan den Rijn",
        "latitude": "52.1266051",
        "longitude": "4.6533684"
permission needed: #attachments-c

Upload attachment

Request params
Name Type Description
context string
file string
filename string
description string
customer_code string Regex:
. Identifies a customer by this key

Reply params
Name Type Description
attachment_uuid string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "upload",
  "params": {
    "context": "connection",
    "filename": "test.txt",
    "description": "description",
    "file": "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQhISE="
Reply example
  "result": {
    "attachment_uuid": "9565f326-3a53-4649-9d20-8b0434a09529"
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1
permission needed: #support-c
Since v1.21.0

Creates a single ticket with opening comment.

Request params
Name Type Description
subject string The title of the ticket.
comment string The opening comment of the ticket. Essentially the body.
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
reference string External support reference.
contact object Contact info
    phone string, null Regex:
. Dutch national telephone number
    name string
technical_specifications string Add technical details to the ticket.
attachments array List of attachment_uuid.
attachments[#] string

Reply params
Name Type Description
id integer The ID of the newly created ticket.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "create_ticket",
  "params": {
    "subject": "Connection down for Nextpertise Office",
    "comment": "Problem persists after a router reboot. Please help me!",
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
    "reference": "#123 - Nextpertise Office",
    "contact": {
      "name": "John Doe",
      "phone": "0612345678"
    "attachments": []
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "id": 12345
permission needed: #support-r
Since v1.21.0

Returns a single ticket with comments.

Request params
Name Type Description
id integer The ID of the ticket.

Reply params
Name Type Description
id integer The ID of the ticket.
nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
reference null, string External support reference.
created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
updated_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
subject string The title of the ticket.
description string Opening comment of ticket. Is the same as the body of the first comment in 'comments'.
status enum Enum options:
. Current status of the ticket.
comments array List of all comments on ticket, ordered by date.
comments[#] object
    body string Comment text. Stripped of inline attachments & HTML.
    created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    author object Support user information.
        name string
        photo null, object Profile picture of author. Can be null.
            thumbnail_url null, string Direct URL to a thumbnail of the file.
            url string Direct url to file.
    attachments array List of attached files.
    attachments[#] object
        file_name string
        size null, integer File size in bytes.
        url string Direct url to file.
        thumbnail_url null, string Direct URL to a thumbnail of the file.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "create_ticket",
  "params": {
    "id": 12345
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "id": 12345,
    "nid": "2408ZE000100100",
    "reference": "#123 - Nextpertise Office",
    "subject": "Connection down for Nextpertise Office",
    "description": "Problem persists after a router reboot. Please help me!\n\nContactpersoon:\nJohn Doe\n0612345678",
    "status": "new",
    "created_at": "2020-04-10T13:40:35Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-04-10T13:40:35Z",
    "comments": [
        "body": "Problem persists after a router reboot. Please help me!\n\nContactpersoon:\nJohn Doe\n0612345678",
        "created_at": "2020-04-10T13:40:35Z",
        "attachments": [],
        "author": {
          "name": "",
          "photo": null
permission needed: #support-r
Since v1.21.0

Returns a list of tickets.

Request params
Name Type Description
closed boolean Whether or not closed tickets should be returned. Defaults to true.
pagination object Used to limit the amount of tickets returned.
    per_page integer Amount of tickets per page (request).
    page integer The requested page-index, starts at 1.
filter object Filter tickets.
    search string Filter tickets by search string.
sort object Sort tickets. Can only sort by one key at a time. By default all tickets are sorted in descending order of last update time.
    updated_at enum Enum options:
. Sort by date of last update.
    created_at enum Enum options:
. Sort by date of creation.
    id enum Enum options:
. Sort by ticket number.
    requester enum Enum options:
. Sort by ticket creator.
    status enum Enum options:
. Sort by ticket status.
    subject enum Enum options:
. Sort by ticket subject.

Reply params
Name Type Description
ticket_count integer Total amount of tickets found for the user & filter.
pagination object Information about the pagination settings. If a '..._page' returns null, the page does not exist.
    previous_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    next_page integer, null An integer or no value at all.
    per_page integer Max amount of tickets per page.
tickets array List of tickets.
tickets[#] object
    requester object Support user information.
        name string
        photo null, object Profile picture of author. Can be null.
            thumbnail_url null, string Direct URL to a thumbnail of the file.
            url string Direct url to file.
    created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    updated_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    nid string, null Regex:
. Carrier or circuit identification. To harmonize the way ordered broadband products are identified.
    status enum Enum options:
. Current status of the ticket.
    reference string, null External support reference.
    subject string The title of the ticket.
    description string Opening comment of ticket.
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_tickets",
  "params": {
    "pagination": {
      "per_page": 50,
      "page": 1
    "filter": {
      "search": "Nextpertise"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "tickets": [
        "id": 12345,
        "nid": "2408ZE000080100",
        "reference": "#123 - Nextpertise Office",
        "subject": "Connection down for Nextpertise Office",
        "description": "Problem persists after a router reboot. Please help me!\n\nContactpersoon:\nJohn Doe\n0612345678\n\nTechnische specificaties:\ntech-specs",
        "status": "closed",
        "created_at": "2020-04-01T13:26:09Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-04-02T15:02:21Z",
        "requester": {
          "name": "",
          "photo": null
    "pagination": {
      "next_page": null,
      "previous_page": null,
      "per_page": 50
    "ticket_count": 1
permission needed: #support-c
Since v1.21.0

Updates a single ticket.

Request params
Name Type Description
id integer The ID of the ticket.
comment object Adds a new comment to the ticket.
    body string Comment text.
    attachments array List of attachments uuid.
    attachments[#] string
solved boolean Mark ticket as (un)solved.

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "update_ticket",
  "params": {
    "id": 12345,
    "comment": {
      "body": "Ticket update comment!"
    "solved": false
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}
permission needed: #false
Since v1.11.0

Get all information about a user's profile

Request params
Name Type Description
username string

Reply params
Name Type Description
user object
    language enum Enum options:
. IETF BCP 47 language tag
    firstname string
    lastname string
    username string
    timezone string
notification array
security object Object containing security options.
    totp_enabled boolean Whether or not TOTP based 2FA is enabled.
    whitelist array List of whitelisted IPs.
    whitelist[#] object
        subnet string, one of Regex:
. IP Address in CIDR notation.
        subnet string, one of Regex:
. The IPv6 address assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
        description string
roles array
roles[#] string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "get_profile",
  "params": {}
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "user": {
      "language": "nl-NL",
      "firstname": "Teun",
      "lastname": "Ouwehand",
      "username": ""
    "notification": [
    "security": {
      "totp_enabled": true,
      "whitelist": [
          "subnet": "",
          "description": "Development VPS"
          "subnet": "",
          "description": "Nextpertise Office"
    "roles": [
permission needed: #user-r
Since v1.23.0

List all profiles for loggedin users company

Request params
Name Type Description
filter object
    firstname string
    lastname string
    username string
    language string
    timezone string
sort object
    firstname enum Enum options:
. undefined
    lastname enum Enum options:
. undefined
    username enum Enum options:
. undefined
    language enum Enum options:
. undefined
    timezone enum Enum options:
. undefined
paging object Request pagination of the result set.
    offset integer First record to include in result set.
    length integer Number of records to return, when the result set is smaller than this number it indicates that the last page is reached.

Reply params
Name Type Description
count integer
profiles array
profiles[#] object
    user object
        language enum Enum options:
. IETF BCP 47 language tag
        firstname string
        lastname string
        username string
        timezone string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_profiles",
  "params": {
    "filter": {},
    "sort": {
      "username": "DESC"
    "paging": {
      "offset": 0,
      "length": 2
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "profiles": [
        "user": {
          "language": "en-US",
          "firstname": "Teun",
          "lastname": "Ouwehand",
          "username": ""
        "user": {
          "language": "nl-NL",
          "firstname": "Patrick",
          "lastname": "Van der Valk",
          "username": ""
    "count": 5
permission needed: #false
Since v1.11.0

Set information about a user's profile

Request params
Name Type Description
username string Regex:
user object
    language enum Enum options:
. IETF BCP 47 language tag
    firstname string
    lastname string
    timezone string
notification array
security object Object containing security options.
    totp_enabled boolean Turn TOTP based 2FA on or off. Either TOTP or the whitelist needs to be enabled. The TOTP token is reset and returned after toggling this setting.
    totp_reset boolean If true, the TOTP key will be reset.
    whitelist array Sets whitelist to this list of IPs.
    whitelist[#] object
        subnet string, one of Regex:
. IP Address in CIDR notation.
        subnet string, one of Regex:
. The IPv6 address assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
        description string
    password string Update password.
    password_reset boolean Reset password.
roles array
roles[#] string

Reply params
Name Type Description
user object
    language enum Enum options:
. IETF BCP 47 language tag
    firstname string
    lastname string
    username string
    timezone string
notification array
security object Object containing security options.
    totp_enabled boolean Whether or not TOTP based 2FA is enabled.
    whitelist array List of whitelisted IPs.
    whitelist[#] object
        subnet string, one of Regex:
. IP Address in CIDR notation.
        subnet string, one of Regex:
. The IPv6 address assigned to this circuit in CIDR format
        description string
roles array
roles[#] string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "set_profile",
  "params": {
    "user": {
      "lastname": "Ouwehand",
      "firstname": "Teun",
      "language": "nl-NL"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "user": {
      "language": "nl-NL",
      "firstname": "Teun",
      "lastname": "Ouwehand",
      "username": ""
    "notification": [
    "security": {
      "totp_enabled": false,
      "whitelist": [
          "subnet": "",
          "description": "Development VPS"
          "subnet": "",
          "description": "Nextpertise Office"
    "roles": [
permission needed: #user-d
Since v1.23.0

Request params
Name Type Description
username string

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "del_profile",
  "params": {
    "username": ""
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "params": {}
permission needed: #false

Request params
This method expects an empty object as input:

Reply params
Name Type Description
roles array
roles[#] object
    name string
    description string, null
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_roles",
  "params": {}
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "roles": [
        "name": "admin",
        "description": "Imp admin"
        "name": "ordering",
        "description": "Imp ordering"
        "name": "support",
        "description": "Imp support"
        "name": "zipcode",
        "description": "Imp zipcode"
permission needed: #false

Request params
Name Type Description
username string

Reply params
Name Type Description
apikeys array
apikeys[#] object
    uuid string
    apikey string
    created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    last_used_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    last_used_at null, one of
    rate_limit integer
    total_requests integer
    description string, null
    referers array
    referers[#] string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "list_api_keys",
  "params": {
    "username": ""
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "apikeys": [
        "apikey": "4cYKDJLXhX6UtNpEUBKBHi0vgBBZRtMkH0_yaK1a7eUmukmzniJbatfhS_M9w7tfcQZg5l_TkrqHx5A",
        "last_used_at": "2023-01-05T11:26:49Z",
        "description": "Test API key",
        "total_requests": 1,
        "rate_limit": 500,
        "created_at": "2023-01-05T11:26:39Z",
        "uuid": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-323f4580f689",
        "referers": [
permission needed: #false

Request params
Name Type Description
username string
uuid string

Reply params
This method returns an empty object:
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "del_api_key",
  "params": {
    "username": "",
    "uuid": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-323f4580f689"
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}
permission needed: #false

Request params
Name Type Description
uuid string, one of
username string, one of
description string, one of
referers array, one of
referers[#] string
username string, one of
description string, one of
referers array, one of
referers[#] string

Reply params
Name Type Description
uuid string
apikey string
created_at string Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
last_used_at string, null Regex:
. Datetime in UTC format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
last_used_at null, one of
rate_limit integer
total_requests integer
description string, null
referers array
referers[#] string
Request example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "set_api_key",
  "params": {
    "username": "",
    "description": "Test API key",
    "referers": [
Reply example
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "ed207cc3-0189-4eb4-a67e-625ccec459e2",
    "apikey": "****nrxmuwtmmrvmnrwkyzugu4wkmr2",
    "created_at": "2023-01-09T13:08:45Z",
    "last_used_at": null,
    "rate_limit": 500,
    "total_requests": 0,
    "description": "Test API key 2",
    "referers": [
Release notes


Changed in version 1.33.0.

Changed in version 1.32.0.

Changed in version 1.31.

Changed in version 1.30.0.

Changed in version 1.29.0, released on Nov 2nd, 2022.

Changed in version 1.27.0, released on Aug 6th, 2021.

Changed in version 1.26.0, released on Jul 29th, 2021.

Changed in version 1.25.0, released on Dec 1st, 2020.

Changed in version 1.24.0, released on Nov 25th, 2020.

Changed in version 1.23.0, released on Sep 24th, 2020.

Changed in version 1.22.0, released on May 6th, 2020.

Changed in version 1.21.0, released on April 1st, 2020.

Changed in version 1.20.0, released on Feb 24th, 2020.

Changed in version 1.17.0, released on Oct 2nd, 2019.

Changed in version 1.16.0, released on Aug 9th, 2019.

Changed in version 1.12.0, released on Jul 8th, 2019.

Changed in version 1.11.0, released on May 14th, 2019.

Changed in version 1.10.0, released on Oct 8th, 2018.

Changed in version 1.7.0, released on Mar 29th, 2018.

Changed in version 1.2.0, released on May 9th, 2017.

Changed in version 1.0.0, released on Jan 4th, 2017.

Generated with Doca by CloudFlare